
Phase contrast, phase retrieval and aberration balancing in shift-invariant linear imaging systems


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We treat the problems of phase contrast image formation, deterministic phase retrieval and aberration balancing, in the imaging of weak objects using two-dimensional shift-invariant linear imaging systems. Three classes of model sample are considered: weak phase objects, weak phase-amplitude objects and single-material weak phase-amplitude objects. For each class of sample we show how the various aberration coefficients, which characterise a given imaging system, contribute to the structure of the associated phase contrast image. The corresponding inverse problem, of obtaining a closed-form expression for the input wave-field given one or more aberrated phase contrast images of the same, is then examined. Two sample applications are considered: analyser-crystal phase contrast imaging of weak objects using hard X-rays, and Zernike-type phase contrast imaging. We close with a discussion of how coherent and incoherent aberrations may be "balanced" against one another, briefly mentioning the applications of this idea to both "deblur by defocus" and proximity-corrected X-ray lithography.



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