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Alcohol consumption and all-cause mortality in the United States, 1950-2002


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The aim of the study was to estimate the relationship between per capita alcohol consumption and male all-cause mortality in the United States (U.S.) for the period 1950-2002. Alcohol sales (in litres of 100% alcohol) were used as proxy for per capita consumption. The data were analyzed using the Box-Jenkins technique. Two models were estimated, one including only female mortality as a control, the other including in addition cigarette sales. The first model yielded a significant alcohol effect that implied a 2.8% (p < 0.001) increase in mortality given a 1-litre increase in consumption. This estimate coincides with those obtained for Canada, northern Europe and Russia in previous research but is stronger than estimates for southern Europe. When cigarette sales were included in the model, the alcohol effect was almost halved but still statistically significant. The results indicate that population drinking is of great importance for public health.
机译:这项研究的目的是估算1950-2002年期间美国(美国)的人均饮酒与男性全因死亡率之间的关系。酒精销售量(以100%酒精的公升表示)被用作人均消费量的代表。使用Box-Jenkins技术分析数据。估计了两种模型,一种仅包括女性死亡率作为对照,另一种还包括卷烟销售。第一个模型产生了明显的酒精效应,这意味着在消耗量增加1升的情况下,死亡率增加了2.8%(p <0.001)。该估计值与先前研究中从加拿大,北欧和俄罗斯获得的估计值一致,但比南欧的估计值强。当模型中包括卷烟销售时,酒精影响几乎减半,但仍具有统计学意义。结果表明,饮酒对公共卫生非常重要。



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