首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience: An International Journal under the Editorial Direction of IBRO >The brain pattern of c-fos induction by two doses of amphetamine suggests different brain processing pathways and minor contribution of behavioural traits.

The brain pattern of c-fos induction by two doses of amphetamine suggests different brain processing pathways and minor contribution of behavioural traits.


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Previous studies have shown that amphetamine (AMPH) markedly activates dopaminergic projection areas, together with some important limbic nuclei. However, a global picture of the brain areas activated is lacking and the contribution of the dose of the drug and individual differences to this global brain activation is not known. In the present experiment, we studied in adult male rats the c-fos expression induced by two doses of AMPH (1.5 and 5 mg/kg sc) in a wide range of brain areas, and investigated the possible contribution of novelty-induced activity and anxiety traits. AMPH administration increased Fos+ neurons in an important number of telencephalic, diencephalic and brainstem areas. Interestingly, the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and the dorsal raphe nucleus were activated by the drug, but c-fos expression was restricted to non-dopaminergic and non-serotoninergic neurons, those activated in the VTA being predominantly GABAergic. The use of the factorial analysis, which grouped the areas in function of the correlation between the number of Fos+ neurons observed in each area, revealed three main factors, probably reflecting activation of various relatively independent brain circuits: the first included medial prefrontal cortex regions, most dorsal and ventral striatal subregions and VTA; the second, raphe nuclei; and the third, the different subdivisions of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus. Other areas such as the central amygdala did not group around any factor. The finding that an important number of activated areas grouped around specific factors is suggestive of activation of partially independent brain circuits. Surprisingly, a minor contribution of novelty-induced activity and anxiety traits on brain activation induced by AMPH was found. It is possible that normal variability in these traits is poorly related to the effects of AMPH or that c-fos expression is not a good tool to reveal such differences.
机译:先前的研究表明,苯丙胺(AMPH)可以明显激活多巴胺能投射区域以及一些重要的边缘核。但是,尚缺乏激活的大脑区域的全局图,并且未知药物剂量和个体差异对该全局大脑激活的贡献。在本实验中,我们研究了成年雄性大鼠在广泛的脑区域中两种剂量的AMPH(1.5和5 mg / kg sc)诱导的c-fos表达,并研究了新颖诱导活性和焦虑特质。在许多远脑,双脑和脑干区域,AMPH给药可增加Fos +神经元。有趣的是,腹侧被盖区(VTA)和背沟核被该药物激活,但c-fos表达仅限于非多巴胺能和非5-羟色胺能神经元,在VTA中被激活的神经元主要是GABA能的。阶乘分析将每个区域中观察到的Fos +神经元数量之间的相关关系按功能分组,揭示了三个主要因素,可能反映了各种相对独立的脑回路的激活:第一个包括内侧前额叶皮层区域,大部分背侧和腹侧纹状体次区域和VTA;第二个是缝核。第三,下丘脑室旁核的不同细分。其他区域,例如中央杏仁核,没有聚集任何因素。大量的激活区域围绕特定因素进行分组的发现提示了部分独立的大脑回路的激活。令人惊讶地,发现新奇诱导的活性和焦虑性状对由AMPH诱导的脑激活的贡献很小。这些性状的正常变异性可能与AMPH的影响关系不佳,或者c-fos表达不是揭示此类差异的好工具。



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