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Superconductivity in highly disordered NbN nanowires


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The topic of superconductivity in strongly disordered materials has attracted. significant attention. These materials appear to be rather promising for fabrication of various nanoscale devices such as bolometers and transition edge sensors of electromagnetic radiation. The vividly debated subject of intrinsic spatial inhomogeneity responsible for the non-Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer relation between the superconducting gap and the pairing potential is crucial both for understanding the fundamental issues of superconductivity in highly disordered superconductors, and for the. operation of corresponding nanoelectronic devices. Here we report an experimental study of the. electron transport properties of narrow NbN nanowires with effective cross sections of the order of the debated inhomogeneity scales. The temperature dependence of the critical current follows the textbook Ginzburg-Landau prediction for the. quasi-one-dimensional superconducting channel I-c similar to (1-T/T-c)(3/2). We find that conventional models based on the the. phase slip mechanism provide reasonable fits for the shape of R(T) transitions. Better agreement with R(T) data can be achieved assuming the. existence of short 'weak links' with slightly reduced local critical temperature T-c. Hence, one may conclude that an 'exotic' intrinsic electronic inhomogeneity either does not exist in our structures, or, if it does. exist, it. does not affect their resistive state properties, or does not provide any specific impact distinguishable. from conventional weak links.
机译:高度无序的材料中的超导性话题引起了人们的注意。高度重视。这些材料似乎对于制造各种纳米级设备(如辐射热计和电磁辐射的过渡边缘传感器)很有前途。关于内在空间不均匀性的激烈争论的话题,对超导间隙和配对电位之间的非Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer关系负责,对于理解高度无序的超导体中的超导性基本问题以及对此至关重要。相应的纳米电子器件的操作。在这里我们报告一个实验研究。窄NbN纳米线的电子传输特性,其有效横截面约为争论的不均匀尺度。临界电流的温度依赖性遵循教科书Ginzburg-Landau的预测。类似于(1-T / T-c)(3/2)的准一维超导通道I-c。我们发现基于常规模型。相移机制为R(T)过渡的形状提供了合理的配合。假设与R(T)数据更好的一致性。短“弱连接”的存在,局部临界温度T-c略有降低。因此,可以得出这样的结论,即“异乎寻常”的固有电子不均匀性要么在我们的结构中不存在,要么不存在。存在,它。不会影响其电阻状态特性,也不会提供任何可区分的特定影响。来自传统的薄弱环节。



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