首页> 外文期刊>Biometrics: Journal of the Biometric Society : An International Society Devoted to the Mathematical and Statistical Aspects of Biology >Interval estimation of the kappa coefficient with binary classification and an equal marginal probability model.

Interval estimation of the kappa coefficient with binary classification and an equal marginal probability model.


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We derive a likelihood score method for interval estimation of the intraclass version of the kappa coefficient of agreement with binary classification using a general theory of Bartlett (1953, Biometrika 40, 306-317). By exact evaluation, we investigate statistical properties of the score method, the chi-square goodness-of-fit procedure (Donner and Eliasziw, 1992, Statistics in Medicine 11, 1511-1519; Hale and Fleiss, 1993, Biometrics 49, 523-534), and a crude confidence interval for small and medium sample sizes. Actual coverage percentages of the score and chi-square methods are satisfactorily close to the nominal confidence coefficient, while that of the crude method is quite unsatisfactory. The expected length of the score method is shorter than that of the chi-square procedure when the response rate is very small or very large.
机译:我们使用巴特利特(Bartlett)的一般理论(1953,Biometrika 40,306-317)得出用于二元分类的一致性的卡伯系数的类内版本的区间估计的似然评分方法。通过精确评估,我们研究了评分方法,卡方拟合优度程序的统计性质(Donner和Eliasziw,1992,医学统计11,1511-1519; Hale和Fleiss,1993,Biometrics 49,523- 534),以及中小样本量的粗略置信区间。评分和卡方方法的实​​际覆盖率令人满意地接近标称置信度,而粗略方法的覆盖率则不尽人意。当响应率非常小或非常大时,评分方法的预期长度比卡方方法的预期长度短。



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