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Bench-to-bedside review: humanism in pediatric critical care medicine - a leadership challenge.


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A humanistic approach to leadership is especially important in the case of children in the technology-rich intensive care unit (ICU) environment. Leaders should create a humanistic milieu in which the needs of critically ill children, their families and staff are never overlooked. Humanistic leaders are tactful, accessible, approachable and versatile, and have a sense of humour. Humanness in the ICU environment has many faces and poses a challenge to many in leadership positions. Humanistic leaders treat others as they hope they will become. They are constantly questioning themselves, seeking awareness of themselves and others, but most importantly they are constantly learning and evolving. Ultimately, humanistic leadership creates an ICU culture that supports all, is conducive to enriching lives, and is sensitive to the needs of patients and their families.
机译:对于儿童来说,在技术含量高的重症监护室(ICU)环境中,领导力的人道管理方法尤为重要。领导者应该创造一个人文主义的环境,让重病儿童,他们的家人和工作人员的需求永不被忽视。人文型领导者机智,易达,平易近人且多才多艺,具有幽默感。 ICU环境中的人类面临许多面孔,并且对许多领导职位构成了挑战。以人为本的领导者对待他人,希望他们会成为他人。他们不断地自我质疑,寻求对自己和他人的认识,但最重要的是,他们不断地学习和发展。归根结底,人文主义领导创造了一种ICU文化,该文化支持所有人,有利于丰富生活,并对患者及其家人的需求敏感。



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