首页> 外文期刊>Macromolecules >Hydrogen-Bond-Mediated Phase Behavior of Complexes of Small Molecule Additives with Poly(ethylene oxide-b-propylene oxide-b-ethylene oxide) Triblock Copolymer Surfactants

Hydrogen-Bond-Mediated Phase Behavior of Complexes of Small Molecule Additives with Poly(ethylene oxide-b-propylene oxide-b-ethylene oxide) Triblock Copolymer Surfactants


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The addition of multifunctional additives comprised of single- or double-ring aromatic cores decorated at their periphery with multiple hydrogen-bond-donating groups such as carboxylic acid and phenol is shown to induce microphase segregation of otherwise disordered Pluronic BCP (poly(ethylene oxide?propylene oxide?ethylene oxide)) surfactant melts, resulting in the formation of well-ordered supramolecular assemblies with domain spacings ranging between 12.5 and 14.5 nm at additive loadings up to 40%. As the concentration of additives is increased, the general tendency is that the disordered system evolves into an ordered morphology and then undergoes an order?order transition before transitioning into a disordered phase, in one case. The scaling of interplanar spacing reveals that the additives are selectively incorporated in the poly(ethylene oxide) phase. Differential scanning calorimetry indicated that progressive increases in the loading of additives causes a decrease in the melting temperature and melting enthalpy of poly(ethylene oxide) crystallites. This behavior is consistent with good dispersion and strong interaction of the additives with the poly(ethylene oxide) phase. The principles invoked in this additive driven assembly process can be generally applied to the design of ordered functional BCP?nanoparticle hybrid materials while the specific materials described here could be of interest as etch masks.
机译:已显示出添加多功能添加剂,该多功能添加剂由在其外围装饰有多个氢键供体基团(例如羧酸和苯酚)的单环或双环芳族核组成,可以诱导原本无序的Pluronic BCP(聚环氧乙烷?环氧丙烷?环氧乙烷))表面活性剂熔化,在添加量高达40%的情况下,形成畴排列范围在12.5和14.5 nm之间的有序超分子组装体。在一种情况下,随着添加剂浓度的增加,一般趋势是无序系统演变为有序形态,然后经历有序-有序转变,然后转变为无序相。平面间距的缩放显示出添加剂被选择性地掺入聚环氧乙烷相中。差示扫描量热法表明,添加剂负载的逐渐增加导致聚(环氧乙烷)微晶的熔融温度和熔融焓降低。此行为与添加剂与聚环氧乙烷相的良好分散性和强相互作用相一致。在这种添加剂驱动的组装过程中调用的原理通常可以应用于有序功能性BCP?纳米粒子杂化材料的设计,而此处描述的特定材料可能会作为蚀刻掩模。



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