首页> 外文期刊>Geophysical Research Letters >Signature of a tropical Pacific cyclone in the composition of the upper troposphere over Socorro, NM

Signature of a tropical Pacific cyclone in the composition of the upper troposphere over Socorro, NM


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We present a case study based on balloon-borne ozone measurements during the SouthEast American Consortium for Intensive Ozonesonde Network Study in August-September 2013. Data from Socorro, NM (34 degrees N, 107 degrees W) show a layer of anomalously low ozone in the upper troposphere (UT) during 8-14 August. Back trajectories, UT jet analyses, and data from the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) on the Aura satellite indicate that this feature originated from the marine boundary layer in the eastern/central tropical Pacific, where several disturbances and one hurricane (Henriette) formed within an active region of the Intertropical Convergence Zone in early August 2013. The hurricane and nearby convection pumped boundary layer air with low ozone (20-30 ppbv) into the UT. This outflow was advected to North America 3-5 days later by a strong subtropical jet, forming a tongue of low ozone observed in MLS fields and a corresponding layer of low ozone in Socorro vertical profiles.
机译:我们在2013年8月至9月进行的东南亚集约化臭氧层网络研究中,基于气球载臭氧测量结果进行了案例研究。来自新墨西哥州Socorro(北纬34度,西经107度)的数据显示,南太平洋异常低的臭氧层8月8日至14日,对流层上层(UT)。反向轨迹,UT喷射分析以及Aura卫星上的微波肢体探测仪(MLS)的数据表明,该特征源自东部/中部热带太平洋的海洋边界层,在该边界层内形成了数种干扰和一种飓风(Henriette)是2013年8月上旬热带气旋收敛区的活动区域。飓风和附近的对流将含低臭氧(20-30 ppbv)的边界层空气泵入UT。 3-5天后,通过强亚热带喷流将这一流出流平流到了北美,形成了在MLS油田中观察到的低臭氧层和在Socorro垂直剖面中相应的低臭氧层。



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