首页> 外文期刊>Geophysical Research Letters >The impact of advective transport by the South Indian Ocean Countercurrent on the madagascar plankton bloom

The impact of advective transport by the South Indian Ocean Countercurrent on the madagascar plankton bloom


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Based on ten years (1998-2007) of satellite ocean color data we analyze the spatiotemporal patterns in the seasonal Madagascar plankton bloom with respect to the advection of the recently discovered Southern Indian Ocean Countercurrent (SICC). In maps of Finite-time Lyapunov Exponents (FTLE) and Finite-Time Zonal Drift (FTZD) computed from altimetry derived velocities we observe a narrow zonal jet that starts at ~25°S at the southern tip of Madagascar, an important upwelling region, and extends to the east further than the largest plankton blooms (~2500 km). In bloom years, the jet coincides with large parts of the northern boundary of the plankton bloom, acting as a barrier to meridional transport. Our findings suggest that advection is an important and so far underestimated mechanism for the eastward propagation and the extent of the plankton bloom. This supports the hypothesis of a single nutrient source south of Madagascar.
机译:基于十年(1998年至2007年)的卫星海洋颜色数据,我们针对最近发现的南印度洋逆流(SICC)的平流分析了马达加斯加季节性浮游生物绽放的时空格局。在根据测高速度计算出的有限时Lyapunov指数(FTLE)和有限时带漂移(FTZD)的地图中,我们观察到了一个狭窄的纬向射流,其始于马达加斯加南端〜25°S,这是一个重要的上升区,并比最大的浮游生物大花(〜2500 km)更向东延伸。在盛放期,喷流与浮游生物盛放区北部边界的大部分重合,成为经线运输的障碍。我们的发现表明,对流是一种重要的,迄今为止被低估的向东传播和浮游生物开花范围的机制。这支持了马达加斯加南部单一营养源的假设。



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