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Correction to 'Stability of perchlorate hydrates and their liquid solutions at the Phoenix landing site, Mars'


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In the paper "Stability of perchlorate hydrates and their liquid solutions at the Phoenix landing site, Mars" by Vincent F. Chevrier et al. (Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L10202, doi:10.1029/2009GL037497, 2009) there is an error in Figure 3b of the published paper. The curve describing the GCM (Global Circulation Model) results for humidity at the Phoenix landing site is wrong. The new figure gives the right humidity variations from the GCM (the legend is the same as for the original Figure 3b) . This error does not affect subsequent calculations and all the conclusions of the paper remain valid, since they were based on the measured humidity data by the Phoenix Thermal and Electrical Conductivity Prove TECP instrument rather than on the GCM model results.
机译:Vincent F. Chevrier等人在论文“高氯酸盐水合物及其在火星凤凰着陆点的液体溶液的稳定性”一文中。 (Geophysical Research Letters,36,L10202,doi:10.1029 / 2009GL037497,2009)在已发表论文的图3b中存在错误。描述Phoenix登陆点湿度的GCM(全球循环模型)结果曲线是错误的。新的数字给出了GCM正确的湿度变化(图例与原始图3b相同)。此错误不会影响后续计算,并且该论文的所有结论仍然有效,因为它们是基于Phoenix导热和电导率证明TECP仪器测得的湿度数据,而不是基于GCM模型的结果。



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