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Accelerated coloration of electrochromic device with the counter electrode of nanoparticulate Prussian blue-type complexes


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Improvement of the color-switching response of an electrochromic device (ECD) is achieved using nanoparticles of Prussian blue (iron hexacyanoferrate, FeHCF-NPs) and of zinc hexacyanoferrate (ZnHCF-NPs) using size-control of ZnHCF-NP by the nanoparticle classification. Using the centrifuge method, ZnHCF is classified into three groups with average particle sizes of 59 nm, 71 nm, and 214 nm. The maximum transmittance contrast Delta T-max of a FeHCF/ZnHCF ECD is blue-to-colorless with -ca. 60%, irrespective of the ZnHCF-NP used. However, the response time for coloration of the ECD with the smallest ZnHCF-NPs is only 13% of that of other ECDs with the largest ZnHCF-NPs, although the response time of the electrode with the smallest ZnHCF-NP electrode remains 65 % and 79 % of the largest case for oxidation and reduction, respectively. Because the applied voltage is limited to avoid the side reaction in the coloration of the ECD, the acceleration of the electrochemical response by the downsizing of ZnHCF-NPs leads the drastic change in the coloration speed. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
机译:使用纳米颗粒分类控制ZnHCF-NP的尺寸,使用普鲁士蓝(六氰合铁酸铁,FeHCF-NPs)和六氰合铁酸锌(ZnHCF-NPs)的纳米颗粒,可以改善电致变色器件(ECD)的色彩转换响应。 。使用离心法,ZnHCF被分为三组,平均粒径为59 nm,71 nm和214 nm。 FeHCF / ZnHCF ECD的最大透射率对比度Delta T-max为-ca时呈蓝色至无色。 60%,与所用的ZnHCF-NP无关。但是,尽管具有最小ZnHCF-NP电极的电极的响应时间仍保持65%,并且具有ZnHCF-NP最小的电极的响应时间仅为具有ZnHCF-NP的其他ECD的响应时间,但仅为13%。最大氧化和还原情况分别为79%。由于施加电压受到限制以避免在ECD的着色中发生副反应,因此通过缩小ZnHCF-NPs的尺寸来加快电化学响应,会导致着色速度发生急剧变化。由Elsevier Ltd.发布



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