首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Quantum Chemistry >Theoretical prediction on HAlS ~+ and HSAl ~+ cations using multiconfiguration second-order perturbation theory

Theoretical prediction on HAlS ~+ and HSAl ~+ cations using multiconfiguration second-order perturbation theory


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Some low-lying states of the HAlS ~+ and HSAl ~+ cations have been studied for the first time by large-scale theoretical calculations using three methods: complete active space self-consistent field (CASSCF), complete active second-order perturbation theory (CASPT2), and density functional theory Becke's three-parameter hybrid function with the nonlocal correlation of Lee-Yang-Parr (B3LYP) with the contracted atomic natural orbital (ANO-L) and cc-pVTZ basis sets. The geometries of all stationary points along the potential energy surfaces (PESs) were optimized at the CASSCF/ANO-L and B3LYP/cc-pVTZ levels. The ground and the first excited states of linear HAlS ~+ are predicted to be X ~2Π and A ~2Σ ~+ states, respectively. For the linear HSAl ~+ structure, the first excited state is A ~2Σ ~+. The X ~2Π state of linear HSAl ~+ is a second-order saddle point, because it has two imaginary frequencies. Two bent global minima M1 and M2 were found along the 1 ~2A' and 1 ~2A″ PESs, respectively. The CASPT~2/ANO-L potential energy curves of isomerization reactions were calculated as a function of HAlS bond angle. According to our calculations, the ground-state HAlS ~+ is linear, whereas the ground-state HSAl ~+ is bent.
机译:首次通过大规模理论计算,使用以下三种方法对HAlS〜+和HSAl〜+阳离子的一些低态进行了研究:完全活动空间自洽场(CASSCF),完全活动二阶扰动理论(CASPT2)和密度泛函理论Becke的三参数混合函数具有Lee-Yang-Parr(B3LYP)与压缩原子自然轨道(ANO-L)和cc-pVTZ基集的非局部相关性。在CASSCF / ANO-L和B3LYP / cc-pVTZ水平上优化了沿势能面(PES)的所有固定点的几何形状。线性HAlS〜+的基态和第一激发态预计分别为X〜2Π和A〜2Σ〜+状态。对于线性HSA1〜+结构,第一激发态为A〜2Σ〜+。线性HSA1〜+的X〜2Π状态是二阶鞍点,因为它具有两个虚数频率。在1〜2A'和1〜2A''PESs上分别发现了两个弯曲的全局极小值M1和M2。计算了异构化反应的CASPT〜2 / ANO-L势能曲线与HAlS键角的关系。根据我们的计算,基态HAlS〜+是线性的,而基态HSAl〜+是弯曲的。



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