首页> 外文期刊>Biometrical Journal >Optimal experimental designs for accelerated failure time with Type I and random censoring

Optimal experimental designs for accelerated failure time with Type I and random censoring


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Proportional Hazards models have been widely used to analyze survival data. In many cases survival data do not verify the assumption of proportional hazards. An alternative to the PH models with more relaxed conditions are Accelerated Failure Time models. These models are fairly commonly used in the field of manufacturing, but they are more and more frequent for modeling clinical trial data. They focus on the direct effect of the explanatory variables on the survival function allowing an easier interpretation of the effect of the corresponding covariates on the survival time. Optimal experimental designs are computed in this framework for Type I and random arrival. The results are applied to clinical models used to prevent tuberculosis in Ugandan adults infected with HIV.
机译:比例危害模型已被广泛用于分析生存数据。在许多情况下,生存数据无法验证比例风险的假设。条件更宽松的PH模型的替代方法是Accelerated Failure Time模型。这些模型在制造领域中相当普遍,但是它们越来越多地用于对临床试验数据进行建模。他们专注于解释变量对生存函数的直接影响,从而可以更容易地解释相应协变量对生存时间的影响。在此框架中针对I型和随机到达计算了最佳实验设计。该结果应用于用于预防感染了艾滋病毒的乌干达成年人中的结核病的临床模型。



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