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Injectable contraception: Issues and opportunities


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Beginning in the 1960s, depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) injectable contraception has been widely used in family planning programs abroad, especially in Africa and Southeast Asia [1]. Approved in the US for the treatment of endometrial cancer in the mid-1960s, it was also used off-label for contraception [2]. In 1992, DMPA received Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for contraception and began to have a noticeable impact in preventing unintended pregnancies in the US, particularly among teens. By 2002, some 2 million US women used injectable contraception [3]. Whereas US teen births increased 23% from 1986, peaking in 1991, rates then declined 35% by 2005 [4]. The authors of the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) reported that "Teens were more likely in 2002 to use contraception at first sex and at most recent sex than in 1995 and were more likely to have used highly effective methods such as injectable contraception" [5].
机译:从1960年代开始,醋酸甲羟孕酮注射液避孕药具已广泛用于国外的计划生育项目,尤其是在非洲和东南亚[1]。 1960年代中期在美国获准用于治疗子宫内膜癌,它也被用于标签避孕[2]。 1992年,DMPA获得了美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)的避孕许可,并开始在预防美国尤其是青少年意外怀孕方面产生显著作用。到2002年,约有200万美国妇女使用了注射避孕药[3]。美国青少年的出生率比1986年增加了23%,1991年达到顶峰,而到2005年,这一比例下降了35%[4]。 2002年全国家庭成长调查(NSFG)的作者报告说:“与1995年相比,2002年青少年在初次性行为和最近一次性行为中使用避孕的可能性更高,并且更可能使用了诸如注射避孕的高效方法。 ” [5]。



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