首页> 外文期刊>Contraception >Availability and characteristics of abortion training in US ob-gyn residency programs: A national survey

Availability and characteristics of abortion training in US ob-gyn residency programs: A national survey


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Objective To assess the availability and characteristics of abortion training in US ob-gyn residency programs. Methods We surveyed fourth-year residents at US residency programs by email regarding availability and type of abortion training, procedural experience and self-assessed competence in abortion skills. We conducted multivariable, ordinal logistic regression with general estimating equations to determine individual-level and resident-reported, program-level correlates of quantity of uterine evacuation procedures done during residency. Results Three hundred sixty-two residents provided data, representing 161 of the 240 residency programs contacted. Access to training in elective abortion was available to most respondents: 54% reported routine training - where abortion training was routinely scheduled; 30% reported opt-in training - where training was available but not routinely integrated; and 16% reported that elective abortion training was not available. Residents in programs with routine elective abortion training and those who intended to do abortions before residency did a greater number of first-trimester manual uterine aspiration and second-trimester dilation and evacuation procedures than those without routine training. Similarly, routine, integrated training, even for indications other than elective abortion, correlated with more clinical experience (all p<.01, odds ratio and confidence interval shown below). Conclusion There is a strong independent relationship between routine training and greater clinical experience with uterine aspiration procedures.
机译:目的评估美国妇产科住院计划中堕胎培训的可用性和特点。方法我们通过电子邮件调查了美国居留计划的四年级居民,以了解堕胎培训的可用性和类型,程序经验以及自我评估的堕胎技能。我们使用一般估计方程式进行了多变量有序逻辑回归,以确定在居住期间完成的子宫排空程序的数量与个人级别和居民报告的程序级别的相关性。结果362位居民提供了数据,代表了所联系的240个居住项目中的161个。大多数受访者都可以接受选择性流产的培训:54%的人报告了常规培训-常规安排了人工流产培训; 30%的人选择参加培训-有培训但没有常规整合的培训; 16%的人报告说无法进行选择性流产培训。与未接受常规培训的人员相比,接受常规选择性流产培训的人员以及打算在居住之前进行流产的人员进行的孕中期人工子宫抽吸,孕中期扩张和疏散程序的数量更多。同样,常规的综合培训,甚至针对选择性流产以外的其他适应症,也与更多的临床经验相关(所有p <.01,比值比和置信区间如下所示)。结论常规培训与子宫抽吸手术的丰富临床经验之间存在很强的独立关系。



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