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Human vaginal histology in long-term users of the injectable contraceptive depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate


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Objectives Apparently, depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) increases a woman's risk of acquiring HIV. The objective of this study was to test whether the vaginal mucosal thickness and Langerhans cell counts were significantly different in long-term DMPA users compared with women users of an intrauterine device (IUD) who had never used DMPA. Study design Cross-sectional study. Twenty-three DMPA users were matched with 23 nonusers controlled for age, body mass index (BMI; kg/m2), and duration of contraceptive use. Four groups of women were evaluated according to the duration of DMPA use: 1, 5; ≥ 5, 10; ≥ 10, 15 or ≥ 15 years. Estradiol (E 2) levels were compared between the two groups. Histologic sections of vaginal mucosal biopsies were evaluated to measure the mean epithelial thickness and S100 immunostained sections were used to count the number of Langerhans cells/mm. Results Mean (± S.D.) E2 levels were significantly lower in DMPA users (39.4±26.6 pg/mL) compared with nonusers (102.6±60.3 pg/mL) despite similar ages (42.3±7.4 and 42.4±7.4 years, respectively). Mean (± S.D.) vaginal thickness was 232.6±108.1 and 229.7±112.9 in DMPA users and nonusers, respectively. There were no differences in vaginal thickness or Langerhans cell count/mm between users and nonusers even after controlling for DMPA duration of use. Conclusions Vaginal epithelial thinning or Langerhans cell count was not different between long-term DMPA users and copper-IUD users who had never used DMPA. Implications No differences were found in vaginal epithelial thickness or in Langerhans cell count between long-term users of the injectable contraceptive DMPA and nonusers.
机译:目的显然,醋酸甲羟孕酮(DMPA)可增加女性感染艾滋病毒的风险。这项研究的目的是测试长期使用DMPA的女性与从未使用过DMPA的宫内避孕器(IUD)的女性用户相比,阴道粘膜厚度和Langerhans细胞计数是否有显着差异。研究设计横断面研究。 23名DMPA使用者与23名年龄,体重指数(BMI; kg / m2)和避孕药使用期限得到控制的非使用者匹配。根据使用DMPA的持续时间对四组妇女进行了评估:> 1,<5; ≥5,<10; ≥10,<15或≥15年。比较两组之间的雌二醇(E 2)水平。评估阴道粘膜活组织检查的组织学切片以测量平均上皮厚度,并使用S100免疫染色切片计数Langerhans细胞/ mm。结果尽管年龄相近(分别为42.3±7.4和42.4±7.4岁),但DMPA使用者的平均E2水平(39.4±26.6 pg / mL)显着低于非使用者(102.6±60.3 pg / mL)。 DMPA使用者和非使用者的平均(±S.D.)阴道厚度分别为232.6±108.1和229.7±112.9。即使控制了DMPA的使用时间,使用者和非使用者之间的阴道厚度或朗格汉斯细胞计数/ mm也没有差异。结论长期使用DMPA的使用者和从未使用过DMPA的铜制IUD使用者之间,阴道上皮变薄或Langerhans细胞计数没有差异。含义长期使用可注射避孕药DMPA的人与不使用DMPA的人之间的阴道上皮厚度或Langerhans细胞计数没有发现差异。



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