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Normalized water-leaving radiance: revisiting the influence of surface roughness


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Many spaceborne sensors have been deployed to image the ocean in the visible portion of the spectrum. Information regarding the concentration of water constituents is contained in the water-leaving radiance-the radiance that is backscattered out of the water and subsequently propagates to the top of the atmosphere. Recognizing that it depends on the viewing and Sun geometry, ways have been sought to normalize this radiance to a single Sun-viewing geometry-forming the normalized water-leaving radiance. This requires understanding both the bidirectional nature of the upwelling radiance just beneath the surface and the interaction of this radiance with the air-water interface. I believe that the latter has been incorrectly computed in the past when a water surface roughened by the wind is considered. The presented computation suggests that, for wind speeds as high as 20 m/s, the influence of surface roughness is small for a wide range of Sun-viewing geometries, i.e., the transmittance of the (whitecap-free) air-water interface is nearly identical (within 0.01) to that for a flat interface. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.
机译:已经部署了许多星载传感器,以在光谱的可见光部分对海洋成像。关于水成分的浓度的信息包含在留水辐射率中,该辐射率是从水中反向散射并随后传播到大气层顶部的辐射率。认识到它取决于视线和太阳几何形状,因此寻求了将这种辐射率归一化为单个太阳视几何形状的方法,从而形成了归一化的放水辐射率。这就需要既了解表面之下上升流辐射的双向性质,又要了解该辐射与空气-水界面的相互作用。我认为,过去考虑风使水面变粗糙时,对后者的计算是不正确的。提出的计算结果表明,对于高达20 m / s的风速,对于大范围的太阳视几何形状,表面粗糙度的影响很小,即(无白帽的)空气-水界面的透射率是与平面界面几乎相同(在0.01以内)。 (C)2005年美国眼镜学会。



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