首页> 外文期刊>Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy. >Plasma Tenofovir, Emtricitabine, and Rilpivirine and Intracellular Tenofovir Diphosphate and Emtricitabine Triphosphate Pharmacokinetics following Drug Intake Cessation

Plasma Tenofovir, Emtricitabine, and Rilpivirine and Intracellular Tenofovir Diphosphate and Emtricitabine Triphosphate Pharmacokinetics following Drug Intake Cessation


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Pharmacokinetic (PK) data describing a prolonged time course of antiretrovirals in plasma and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) are important for understanding and managing late or missed doses and to assess the appropriateness of compounds for preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP). This study aimed to evaluate the PK of coformulated tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (DF), emtricitabine, and rilpivirine in plasma and of the intracellular (IC) anabolites tenofovir diphosphate (TFV-DP) and emtricitabine triphosphate (FTC-TP) in healthy volunteers up to 9 days after drug cessation. Individuals received daily tenofovir DF-emtricitabine-rilpivirine (245/200/25 mg) for 14 days. Drug intake was stopped, and serial sampling occurred prior to the final dose and up to 216 h (9 days) after stopping drug intake. Concentrations were quantified and PK parameters calculated. Eighteen volunteers completed the study. The terminal elimination plasma half-lives for tenofovir and emtricitabine over 216 h (geometric mean [90% confidence interval]) were higher than those seen over 0 to 24 h (for tenofovir, 31 h [27 to 40 h] versus 13.3 h [12.5 to 15.1 h]; for emtricitabine, 41 h [36 to 54 h] versus 6.4 h (5.9 to 7.6 h]). Model-predicted IC half-lives (0 to 168 h) were 116 h (TFV-DP) and 37 h (FTC-TP). The plasma rilpivirine concentration at 216 h was 4.5 ng/ml (4.2 to 6.2 ng/ml), and half-lives over 0 to 216 h and 0 to 24 h were 47 h (41 to 59 h) and 35 h (28 to 46 h), respectively. These data contribute to our understanding of drug behavior following treatment interruption; however, adherence to therapy should be promoted. Validated plasma and IC target concentrations are necessary to allow interpretation with respect to sustained virus suppression or HIV prevention. (The trial was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki [EudraCT 2012-002781-13].)
机译:药代动力学(PK)数据描述了血浆和外周血单核细胞(PBMC)中抗逆转录病毒药物的延长时间进程,对于理解和管理晚期或遗漏剂量以及评估化合物对暴露前预防(PrEP)的适用性非常重要。这项研究旨在评估直至健康志愿者中血浆中的替诺福韦二吡呋酯富马酸酯(DF),恩曲他滨和利比韦林以及细胞内(IC)合成代谢特诺福韦二磷酸(TFV-DP)和三磷酸恩曲他滨(FTC-TP)的PK戒药后9天。个体每日接受替诺福韦DF-恩曲他滨-利比韦林(245/200/25 mg),治疗14天。停止药物吸收,并在最终剂量之前和停止药物吸收后长达216 h(9天)内进行连续采样。定量浓度并计算PK参数。 18名志愿者完成了研究。替诺福韦和恩曲他滨的终末消除血浆半衰期超过216小时(几何平均值[90%置信区间])高于0至24小时(替诺福韦31小时[27至40小时])与13.3小时[ 12.5至15.1 h];恩曲他滨为41 h [36至54 h]对比6.4 h(5.9至7.6 h]),模型预测的IC半衰期(0至168 h)为116 h(TFV-DP), 37 h(FTC-TP)。血浆rilpivirine在216 h的浓度为4.5 ng / ml(4.2至6.2 ng / ml),0至216 h和0至24 h的半衰期为47 h(41至59) h)和35 h(28至46 h),这些数据有助于我们了解治疗中断后的药物行为;但是,应促进对治疗的依从性。持续抑制病毒或预防HIV(根据赫尔辛基宣言[EudraCT 2012-002781-13]进行了试验。)



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