首页> 外文期刊>Applied mathematics and computation >Determinants and divisibility of power GCD and power LCM matrices on finitely many coprime divisor chains

Determinants and divisibility of power GCD and power LCM matrices on finitely many coprime divisor chains


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Let a,b and h be positive integers and S={~(x1),...,~(xh)} be a set of h distinct positive integers. The h×h matrix (~(Sa))=((~(xi,xj)a)), having the ath power ~((xi,xj)a) of the greatest common divisor of xi and xj as its (i,j)-entry, is called the ath power GCD matrix on S. The ath power LCM matrix on S can be defined similarly. In this paper, we first obtain the formulae for determinants of power GCD and power LCM matrices on the set S consisting of finitely many coprime divisor chains (i.e., there is a positive integer k such that we can partition S as S= ~(S1)∪?∪~(Sk), where ~(Si) and ~(Sj) are divisor chains and each element of ~(Si) is coprime to each element of Sj for any 1≤i≠j≤k). Consequently, we show that if S consists of finitely many coprime divisor chains, then under some natural conditions, we have det(~(Sa))|det(~(Sb)),det[~(Sa)]|det[~(Sb)] and det(Sa)|det[Sb]. Our results extend Hong's 2008 theorem and complements Tan-Lin 2010 theorem.
机译:令a,b和h为正整数,S = {〜(x1),...,〜(xh)}为h个不同的正整数的集合。 h×h矩阵(〜(Sa))=((〜(xi,xj)a)),其中xi和xj的最大公约数的ath幂〜((xi,xj)a)为(i ,j)-entry称为S上的ath幂GCD矩阵。S上的ath幂LCM矩阵可以类似地定义。在本文中,我们首先获得由有限多个互质数除数链组成的集合S上的幂GCD和幂LCM矩阵的行列式的公式(即,存在一个正整数k,因此我们可以将S划分为S =〜(S1 )∪?∪〜(Sk),其中〜(Si)和〜(Sj)是除数链,并且对于任何1≤i≠j≤k,〜(Si)的每个元素都与Sj的每个元素互质。因此,我们表明,如果S由有限的许多本素除数链组成,那么在某些自然条件下,我们有det(〜(Sa))| det(〜(Sb)),det [〜(Sa)] | det [〜 (Sb)]和det(Sa)| det [Sb]。我们的结果扩展了Hong的2008年定理,并补充了Tan-Lin 2010的定理。



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