首页> 外文期刊>Analytical chemistry >Multibed Needle Trap Devices for on Site Sampling and Preconcentration of Volatile Breath Biomarkers

Multibed Needle Trap Devices for on Site Sampling and Preconcentration of Volatile Breath Biomarkers


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To facilitate their use in trace gas analysis, the adsorption capacity of needle trap devices (NTDs) was increased by combining three adsorbent materials and increasing total adsorbent amount. The use of 22 gauge needles, application of internally expanding desorptive flow technique without cryofocusation and a new on site alveolar sampling method for NTDs provided sensitivity in the parts per trillion range of VOC concentrations without loosing precision or linearity. LODs were 0.4 ng/L for isoprene, 0.5 ng/L for dimethyl sulphide, 0.9 ng/L for 2-butenal, 1.0 ng/L for hexane, 1.2 ng/L for pentane, 2.3 ng/L for hexanal, 5.3 ng/L for pentanal, and 8.3 ng/L for acetone. R of calibration curves were consistently >0.98. Loss of volatile aldehydes during storage for 7 days was less than 10percent. Needle trap devices packed with more than one adsorbent material represent a promising alternative to SPE and SPME for analysis of volatile organic compounds in the low parts per billion/parts per trillion range. Crucial problems of clinical breath analysis concerning sensitivity of analytical methods, limited stability, and decomposition of breath compounds during sampling and storage could be solved.
机译:为了促进它们在痕量气体分析中的使用,通过组合三种吸附剂材料和增加总吸附剂量来提高针捕集装置(NTD)的吸附能力。使用22号规格的针头,内部扩展的不带冷冻聚焦的解吸流技术以及针对NTD的新的现场肺泡采样方法,可在千亿分之几的VOC浓度范围内提供灵敏度,而不会降低精度或线性。异戊二烯的LOD为0.4 ng / L,二甲硫为0.5 ng / L,2-丁烯为0.9 ng / L,己烷为1.0 ng / L,戊烷为1.2 ng / L,己醛为2.3 ng / L,5.3 ng / L戊醛为L,丙酮为8.3 ng / L。校准曲线的R始终> 0.98。储存7天期间挥发性醛的损失少于10%。装有不止一种吸附剂材料的针头捕集装置代表了SPE和SPME的有希望的替代品,用于分析十亿分之几/万亿分之一的挥发性有机化合物。可以解决临床呼吸分析的关键问题,这些问题涉及分析方法的敏感性,有限的稳定性以及在采样和存储过程中呼吸化合物的分解。



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