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SGLT and GLUT: Are they teammates? Focus on 'mouse SGLT3a generates proton-activated currents but does not transport sugar'


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more than 25 years ago, it was hypothesized that a specific enzyme, glucokinase, acted as a "glucose sensor" in pancreatic R-cells (9). However, after the discovery of different glucose transporter proteins in the mid- to late-1980s, the hypothesis proposed by several groups evolved to include a transporter molecule, GLUT2, as part of a glucose sensing mechanism (10, 13).GLUT is one type of transporter protein (gene family SLC2A) that has no less than 14 distinctive isoforms, whose primary role appears to aid in facilitative diffusion of different hexoses or polyol across cell membranes (12). A classification of the different GLUT proteins was proposed by Joost and associates (8) based on their tissue distribution, hormonal regulation, lack of a glycosylation site, and other properties.With the identification of different isoforms of GLUT, further research revealed more specific and exact conclusions and relevance of the GLUT proteins.
机译:超过25年前,有人假设一种特殊的酶葡萄糖激酶可以在胰腺R细胞中充当“葡萄糖传感器”(9)。然而,在1980年代中期至晚期发现了不同的葡萄糖转运蛋白后,几组人提出的假设演变为包括转运分子GLUT2,作为葡萄糖传感机制的一部分(10、13).GLUT是其中之一。类型的转运蛋白(基因家族SLC2A)具有不少于14种独特的同工型,其主要作用似乎是促进不同的己糖或多元醇在细胞膜上的扩散(12)。 Joost及其同事(8)根据其组织分布,激素调节,缺乏糖基化位点和其他特性提出了对不同GLUT蛋白的分类。通过鉴定GLUT的不同同工型,进一步的研究揭示了更特异性和特异性GLUT蛋白的确切结论和相关性。



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