首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Effects of beta-adrenergic receptor agonists on drinking and arterial blood pressure in young and old rats

Effects of beta-adrenergic receptor agonists on drinking and arterial blood pressure in young and old rats


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These experiments examined water-drinking and arterial blood pressure responses to P-adren-ergic receptor activation in young (4 mo), "middle-aged" adult (12 mo), and old (29 mo) male rats of the Brown-Norway strain. We used isoproterenol to simultaneously activate beta_1- and beta_2-adrenergic receptors, salbutamol to selectively activate beta_2-adrenergic receptors, and the combination of isoproterenol and the beta_2-adrenergic receptor antagonist ICI 118,551 to stimulate only beta_1-adrenergic receptors. Animals received one of the drug treatments, and water drinking was measured for 90 min. About 1 wk later, animals received the same drug treatment for measurement of arterial blood pressure responses for 90 min. In some rats, levels of renin and aldosterone secretion in response to isoproterenol or salbutamol were measured in additional tests. Old and middle-aged rats drank significantly less after isoproterenol than did young rats and also had greater reductions in arterial blood pressure. Old and middle-aged rats drank significantly less after salbutamol than did young rats, although reductions in arterial blood pressure were equivalent across the ages. The beta_2-adrenergic antagonist ICI 118,551 abolished drinking after isoproterenol and prevented most of the observed hypotension. Renin secretion after isoproterenol and salbutamol was greater in young rats than in middle-aged rats, and wholly absent in old rats. Aldosterone secretion was reduced in old rats compared with young and middle-aged rats after treatment with isoproterenol, but not after treatment with salbutamol. In conclusion, there are age-related differences in p-adrenergic receptor-mediated drinking that can be explained only in part by age-related differences in renin secretion after p-adrenergic receptor stimulation.
机译:这些实验检查了褐挪威的年轻(4个月),“中年”成年(12个月)和年老(29个月)雄性大鼠中水和动脉血压对P-肾上腺素能受体激活的反应应变。我们使用异丙肾上腺素同时激活β_1和β_2肾上腺素受体,沙丁胺醇选择性激活β_2肾上腺素受体,并使用异丙肾上腺素和β_2肾上腺素受体拮抗剂ICI 118,551来仅刺激β_1肾上腺素受体。动物接受了其中一种药物治疗,并测量了90分钟的饮水量。大约1周后,动物接受相同的药物治疗,测量90分钟的动脉血压反应。在一些大鼠中,在另外的测试中测量了对异丙肾上腺素或沙丁胺醇反应的肾素和醛固酮分泌水平。中老年大鼠异丙肾上腺素后的饮酒量明显少于年轻大鼠,而且动脉血压的降低也更大。尽管动脉血压的降低在各个年龄段中都是相同的,但中老年大鼠在服用沙丁胺醇后的饮水量明显少于年轻大鼠。 β_2-肾上腺素拮抗剂ICI 118,551取消了异丙肾上腺素后的饮酒并预防了大多数观察到的低血压。幼鼠中异丙肾上腺素和沙丁胺醇后的肾素分泌要比中年鼠要大,而老年鼠则完全不存在。与异丙肾上腺素治疗后的老年和中年大鼠相比,老年大鼠中醛固酮的分泌减少,但沙丁胺醇治疗后并未减少。总之,p-肾上腺素受体介导的饮酒存在与年龄相关的差异,这只能部分地通过p-肾上腺素受体刺激后肾素分泌的年龄相关差异来解释。



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