首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Maternal dexamethasone treatment at midgestation reduces nephron number and alters renal gene expression in the fetal spiny mouse.

Maternal dexamethasone treatment at midgestation reduces nephron number and alters renal gene expression in the fetal spiny mouse.


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We investigated the effects of maternal glucocorticoid exposure in the spiny mouse, a precocial species with a relatively long gestation, few offspring, and in which nephrogenesis is complete before birth. We hypothesized that exposure of the fetus to glucocorticoids before the formation of glomeruli would result in adult hypertensive offspring with fewer nephrons. Furthermore, we hypothesized that this nephron deficit would result from changes in expression of genes involved in branching morphogenesis. Osmotic pumps implanted in pregnant spiny mice at midgestation (day 20) delivered dexamethasone (dex; 125 microg/kg) or saline for 60 h. Females were killed at day 23 of gestation and kidneys were frozen for real-time PCR analysis or allowed to deliver their offspring. At 20 wk of age, blood pressure was measured in the offspring for 1 wk before nephron number was determined using unbiased stereology. Males and females exposed to dex had significantly fewer nephrons (male: saline: 7,870 +/- 27, dex: 6,878 +/- 173; female: saline: 7,526 +/- 62, dex: 5,886 +/- 382; P < 0.001) compared with controls. Dex had no effect on basal blood pressure. Fetal kidneys collected at day 23 of gestation from dex-exposed mothers showed increased mRNA expression of BMP4 (P < 0.05), TGF-beta(1) (P < 0.05), genes known to inhibit branching morphogenesis and gremlin (P < 0.01), an antagonist of BMP4, compared with saline controls. This study shows for the first time an upregulation of branching morphogenic genes in the fetal kidney in a model of excess maternal glucocorticoids that leads to a nephron deficit in the adult. This study also provides evidence that a reduced nephron number does not necessarily lead to development of hypertension.
机译:我们调查了母体糖皮质激素暴露在多刺小鼠中的影响,多刺小鼠是妊娠前相对较长,后代较少,并且肾生成在出生前已完全的早熟种。我们假设胎儿​​在肾小球形成之前接触糖皮质激素会导致成年高血压的后代肾单位减少。此外,我们假设这种肾单位不足是由参与分支形态发生的基因表达变化引起的。在妊娠中期(第20天)植入怀孕的多刺小鼠的渗透泵输送地塞米松(dex; 125微克/千克)或生理盐水60小时。雌性在妊娠第23天被杀死,肾脏被冷冻以进行实时PCR分析或允许其分娩。在20周龄时,在后代中测量了1周血压,然后使用无偏立体学确定了肾单位。暴露于dex的男性和女性的肾单位明显减少(男性:盐水:7,870 +/- 27,dex:6,878 +/- 173;女性:盐水:7,526 +/- 62,dex:5,886 +/- 382; P <0.001 )与控件进行比较。敏捷对基础血压没有影响。在妊娠第23天从暴露于右旋的母亲那里收集的胎儿肾脏显示BMP4(P <0.05),TGF-beta(1)(P <0.05),已知抑制分支形态发生和胚乳蛋白的基因(P <0.01)的mRNA表达增加。 ,是BMP4的拮抗剂,与盐水对照组相比。这项研究首次表明,在过量的孕妇糖皮质激素模型中,胎儿肾脏中分支形态发生基因的上调会导致成人肾单位不足。这项研究还提供了证据,即肾单位数目减少不一定导致高血压的发展。



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