首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Changes in environmental temperature influence leptin responsiveness in low- and high-fat-fed mice.

Changes in environmental temperature influence leptin responsiveness in low- and high-fat-fed mice.


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Loss of body fat in leptin-treated animals has been attributed to reduced energy intake, increased thermogenesis, and preferential fatty acid oxidation. Leptin does not decrease food intake or body fat in leptin-resistant high-fat (HF)-fed mice, possibly due to a failure of leptin to activate hypothalamic receptors. We measured energy expenditure of male C57BL/6 mice adapted to low-fat (LF) or HF diet and infused them for 13 days with PBS or 10 mug leptin/day from an intraperitoneal mini-osmotic pump to test whether leptin resistance prevented leptin-induced increases in energy expenditure and fatty acid oxidation. There was no effect of low-dose leptin infusions on either of these measures in LF-fed or HF-fed mice, even though LF-fed mice lost body fat. Experiment 2 tested leptin responsiveness in LF-fed and HF-fed mice housed at different temperatures (18 degrees C, 23 degrees C, 27 degrees C), assuming that the cold would increase and the hot environment would inhibit food intake and thermogenesis, which could potentially interfere with leptin action. LF-fed mice housed at 23 degrees C were the only mice that lost body fat during leptin infusion, suggesting that an ability to modify energy expenditure is essential to the maintenance of leptin responsiveness. HF-fed mice in cold or warm environments did not respond to leptin. HF-fed mice in the hot environment were fatter than other HF-fed mice, and, surprisingly, leptin caused a further increase in body fat, demonstrating that the mice were not totally leptin resistant and that partial leptin resistance in a hot environment favors positive energy balance and fat deposition.
机译:瘦素治疗动物体内脂肪的减少归因于能量摄入减少,产热增加和优先脂肪酸氧化。在瘦素抵抗性高脂肪(HF)喂养的小鼠中,瘦素不会减少食物摄入或体内脂肪,这可能是由于瘦素未能激活下丘脑受体所致。我们测量了适应低脂(LF)或HF饮食的雄性C57BL / 6小鼠的能量消耗,并通过腹膜内微型渗透泵将它们注射PBS或10杯瘦蛋白/天,每天注射13天,以测试瘦素抵抗是否阻止了瘦素-导致能量消耗和脂肪酸氧化增加。即使LF喂养的小鼠失去了体内脂肪,低剂量的瘦素输注对LF喂养或HF喂养的小鼠中的任何一种措施也没有影响。实验2测试了在不同温度(18摄氏度,23摄氏度,27摄氏度)饲养的LF喂养和HF喂养的小鼠中的瘦蛋白反应性,假设寒冷会增加,热环境会抑制食物摄入和生热,可能会干扰瘦素的作用。饲养在23摄氏度下的LF喂养小鼠是瘦素输注过程中唯一失去体脂的小鼠,这表明改变能量消耗的能力对于维持瘦素反应性至关重要。在寒冷或温暖的环境中用HF喂养的小鼠对瘦素无反应。处于高温环境中的HF喂养小鼠比其他HF喂养的小鼠更胖,而且令人惊讶的是,瘦素导致体内脂肪进一步增加,表明小鼠并不完全具有瘦素抵抗力,而在炎热环境中的部分瘦素抵抗力却有利于阳性。能量平衡和脂肪沉积。



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