首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Effects of cholera toxin on the potential difference and motor responses induced by distension in the rat proximal small intestine in vivo.

Effects of cholera toxin on the potential difference and motor responses induced by distension in the rat proximal small intestine in vivo.


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Cholera toxin (CT) may induce uncontrolled firing in recurrent networks of secretomotor neurons in the submucous plexus. This hypothesis was tested in chloralose-anesthetized rats in vivo. The secretory reflex response to graded intestinal distension was measured with or without prior exposure to luminal CT. The transmural potential difference (PD) was used as a marker for electrogenic chloride secretion. In controls, distension increased PD, and this response was reduced by the neural blocker tetrodotoxin given serosally and the vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) receptor antagonist [4Cl-d-Phe(6),Leu(17)]VIP (2 mug.min(-1).kg(-1) iv) but unaffected by the serotonin 5-HT(3) receptor antagonist granisetron, by the nicotinic receptor antagonist hexamethonium, by the muscarinic receptor antagonist atropine, or by the cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin. Basal PD increased significantly with time in CT-exposed segments, an effect blocked by granisetron, by indomethacin, and by [4Cl-d-Phe(6),Leu(17)]VIP but not by hexamethonium or atropine. In contrast, once the increased basal PD produced by CT was established, [4Cl-d-Phe(6),Leu(17)]VIP and indomethacin had no significant effect, whereas granisetron and hexamethonium markedly depressed basal PD. CT significantly reduced the increase in PD produced by distension, an effect reversed by granisetron, indomethacin, and atropine. CT also activated a specific motility response to distension, repeated cluster contractions, but only in animals pretreated with granisetron, indomethacin, or atropine. These data are compatible with the hypothesis that CT induces uncontrolled activity in submucous secretory networks. Development of this state depends on 5-HT(3) receptors, VIP receptors, and prostaglandin synthesis, whereas its maintenance depends on 5-HT(3) and nicotinic receptors but not VIP receptors. The motility effects of CT (probably reflecting myenteric activity) are partially suppressed via a mechanism involving 5-HT(3) and muscarinic receptors and prostaglandinsynthesis.
机译:霍乱毒素(CT)可能会在粘膜下丛的分泌运动神经元的复发网络中诱发失控的放电。在氯醛糖麻醉的大鼠体内测试了该假设。在有或没有事先暴露于管腔CT的情况下,测量对分级的肠扩张的分泌反射反应。跨壁电位差(PD)用作电氯化物分泌的标志物。在对照组中,腹胀增加了PD,并且通过浆膜给予神经阻断剂河豚毒素和血管活性肠肽(VIP)受体拮抗剂[4Cl-d-Phe(6),Leu(17)] VIP(2 mug.min (-1).kg(-1)iv),但不受5-羟色胺5-HT(3)受体拮抗剂granisetron,烟碱受体拮抗剂hexamethonium,毒蕈碱受体拮抗剂阿托品或环加氧酶抑制剂吲哚美辛的影响。在暴露于CT的节段中,基础PD随时间显着增加,被格拉司琼,吲哚美辛和[4Cl-d-Phe(6),Leu(17)] VIP阻止,但六甲铵或阿托品没有阻止。相反,一旦建立了CT产生的基础PD增加,[4Cl-d-Phe(6),Leu(17)] VIP和消炎痛就没有明显的作用,而Granisetron和hexamethonium显着降低了基础PD。 CT显着降低了由扩张引起的PD的增加,而Granisetron,消炎痛和阿托品逆转了这种作用。 CT还激活了对扩张,反复簇收缩的特定运动反应,但仅在用格拉司琼,消炎痛或阿托品预处理的动物中。这些数据与CT诱导粘膜下分泌网络不受控制的活动的假设相吻合。这种状态的发展取决于5-HT(3)受体,VIP受体和前列腺素的合成,而其维持取决于5-HT(3)和烟碱样受体,而不取决于VIP受体。通过包括5-HT(3)和毒蕈碱受体和前列腺素合成的机制,部分抑制了CT的运动影响(可能反映了肠系膜活动)。



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