首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >CRF-related peptides contribute to stress response and regulation of appetite in hypoxic rainbow trout.

CRF-related peptides contribute to stress response and regulation of appetite in hypoxic rainbow trout.


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Hypoxia stress suppresses appetite in a variety of fish species, but the mechanisms mediating this response are not known. Therefore, given their anorexigenic and hypophysiotropic properties, we investigated the contribution of forebrain corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and urotensin I (UI) to the regulation of food intake and the hypothalamic-pituitary-interrenal (HPI) stress axis in hypoxic rainbow trout. Exposure to 50 and 35% O(2) saturation for 24 h decreased food intake by 28 and 48%, respectively. The 35% O(2) treatment also increased forebrain CRF and UI mRNA levels, plasma cortisol, and lactate. Exposure for 72 h to the same conditions resulted in similar reductions in food intake, increases in plasma cortisol proportional to the hypoxia severity, and increases in forebrain CRF and UI mRNA levels in the 50% O(2) treatment. Relative to saline-infused fish, chronic intracranial infusion of the CRF receptor antagonist alpha-helical CRF((9-41)) reduced the appetite-suppressing effects of 24-h exposure to 35% O(2) and blocked the hypoxia-induced increase in plasma cortisol. Finally, forebrain microdissection revealed that 50 and 35% O(2) exposure for 24 h specifically increases preoptic area CRF and UI mRNA levels in proportion to the severity of the hypoxic challenge and either has no effect or elicits small decreases in other forebrain regions. These results show that CRF-related peptides play a physiological role in regulating the HPI axis and in mediating at least a portion of the reduction in food intake under hypoxic conditions in rainbow trout and demonstrate that the response of forebrain CRF and UI neurons to this stressor is region specific.
机译:低氧胁迫会抑制多种鱼类的食欲,但介导此反应的机制尚不清楚。因此,考虑到它们的厌食和促体质特性,我们研究了低氧虹鳟鱼中前脑促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子(CRF)和尿紧张素I(UI)对食物摄入和下丘脑-垂体-肾间质(HPI)应力轴的调节作用。 。暴露于50和35%的O(2)饱和度24小时分别使食物摄入减少了28%和48%。 3%O(2)治疗还增加了前脑CRF和UI mRNA水平,血浆皮质醇和乳酸盐。在相同条件下暴露72小时会导致食物摄入量类似减少,与缺氧严重程度成比例的血浆皮质醇增加以及在50%O(2)治疗中前脑CRF和UI mRNA水平增加。相对于盐水注入鱼,CRF受体拮抗剂α-螺旋CRF((9-41))的慢性颅内输注降低了24小时暴露于35%O(2)的食欲抑制作用,并阻止了低氧诱导的血浆皮质醇增加。最后,前脑显微解剖显示24小时暴露50%和35%的O(2)会根据缺氧挑战的严重程度显着增加视前区CRF和UI mRNA水平,或者没有影响或引起其他前脑区域的小幅下降。这些结果表明,CRF相关肽在虹鳟鱼低氧条件下,在调节HPI轴和介导至少一部分食物摄入减少方面起着生理作用,并证明前脑CRF和UI神经元对此应激源的反应是特定于区域的。



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