首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9 expression increases in Mycoplasma-infected airways but is not required for microvascular remodeling.

Matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9 expression increases in Mycoplasma-infected airways but is not required for microvascular remodeling.


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Murine Mycoplasma pulmonis infection induces chronic lung and airway inflammation accompanied by profound and persistent microvascular remodeling in tracheobronchial mucosa. Because matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 and -9 are important for angiogenesis associated with placental and long bone development and skin cancer, we hypothesized that they contribute to microvascular remodeling in airways infected with M. pulmonis. To test this hypothesis, we compared microvascular changes in airways after M. pulmonis infection of wild-type FVB/N mice with those of MMP-9(-/-) and MMP-2(-/-)/MMP-9(-/-) double-null mice and mice treated with the broad-spectrum MMP inhibitor AG3340 (Prinomastat). Using zymography and immunohistochemistry, we find that MMP-2 and MMP-9 rise strikingly in lungs and airways of infected wild-type FVB/N and C57BL/6 mice, with no zymographic activity or immunoreactivity in MMP-2(-/-)/MMP-9(-/-) animals. However, microvascular remodeling as assessed by Lycopersicon esculentum lectin staining of whole-mounted tracheae is as severe in infected MMP-9(-/-), MMP-2(-/-)/MMP-9(-/-) and AG3340-treated mice as in wild-type mice. Furthermore, all groups of infected mice develop similar inflammatory infiltrates and exhibit similar overall disease severity as indicated by decrease in body weight and increase in lung weight. Uninfected wild-type tracheae show negligible MMP-2 immunoreactivity, with scant MMP-9 immunoreactivity in and around growing cartilage. By contrast, MMP-2 appears in epithelial cells of infected, wild-type tracheae, and MMP-9 localizes to a large population of infiltrating leukocytes. We conclude that despite major increases in expression, MMP-2 and MMP-9 are not essential for microvascular remodeling in M. pulmonis-induced chronic airway inflammation.
机译:鼠肺支原体感染可引起慢性肺和气道炎症,并伴有气管支气管粘膜深刻而持续的微血管重塑。因为基质金属蛋白酶(MMP)-2和-9对于与胎盘和长骨发育以及皮肤癌相关的血管生成很重要,所以我们假设它们有助于感染肺炎支原体的气道微血管重塑。为了验证该假设,我们比较了野生型FVB / N小鼠肺炎支原体感染后MMP-9(-/-)和MMP-2(-/-)/ MMP-9(- /-)双无效小鼠和用广谱MMP抑制剂AG3340(Prinomastat)治疗的小鼠。使用酶谱和免疫组织化学,我们发现被感染的野生型FVB / N和C57BL / 6小鼠的肺和气道中MMP-2和MMP-9显着升高,而MMP-2(-/-)中没有酶谱活性或免疫反应性/ MMP-9(-/-)动物。但是,通过整个安装的气管的番茄番茄凝集素染色评估,微血管重塑在受感染的MMP-9(-/-),MMP-2(-/-)/ MMP-9(-/-)和AG3340-与野生型小鼠一样对待小鼠。此外,所有受感染的小鼠组都发生相似的炎症浸润,并表现出相似的总体疾病严重程度,如体重减轻和肺部重量增加所表明。未感染的野生型气管显示出可忽略不计的MMP-2免疫反应性,而在生长的软骨内和周围的软骨缺乏MMP-9免疫反应性。相比之下,MMP-2出现在受感染的野生型气管的上皮细胞中,MMP-9定位于大量浸润的白细胞。我们得出的结论是,尽管在表达上有大幅增加,但MMP-2和MMP-9对于肺炎支原体引起的慢性气道炎症中的微血管重塑不是必需的。



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