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Severe Diseases Induced by Viruses and Phytoplasmas in Hydrangea in Italy


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Epidemiological surveys were carried out in Liguria and Lazio regions to detect virus and phytoplasma infections in Hydrangea machrophylla. Plants showing stunting, flower virescence and phyllody, yellowing, necrosis and redness of the leaf edge, collected in "Piana di Albenga" (Liguria region), were infected by Hydrangea ringspot virus. One of these hydrangea plants, showing also flower virescence and red edges of leaves, was infected by phytoplasmas belonging to subgroup 16SrI-B, GroELI subgroup III. Almost all hydrangea plants growing in Bolsena city (Lazio region) showed severe leaf and flower symptoms. Cucumber mosaic virus was detected in three plants characterized by stunting, leaf mosaic of malformed leaves and flower colour-breaking; Elm mottle virus was detected in two plants with mosaic symptoms on the leaves. One plant showing growth reduction, flower virescence and phyllody was found to be infected by phytoplasmas belonging to ribosomal subgroup 16SrXII-A. Leafhoppers present on this latter phytoplasma-infected plant were caught and identified. 16SrI-B phytoplasmas were identified in L. striatellus, while 16SrXII-A phytoplasmas were present in Anaceratogallia sp.
机译:在利古里亚和拉齐奥地区进行了流行病学调查,以检测花绣球中的病毒和植物原体感染。绣球花环斑病毒感染了在“ Piana di Albenga”(利古里亚地区)收集的显示发育迟缓,花绿化和叶边缘的黄化,坏死和发红的植物。这些绣球植物中的一种,也显示出花朵的绿色和叶子的红色边缘,被属于16SrI-B子组,GroELI子组III的植原体感染。博尔塞纳市(拉齐奥地区)生长的几乎所有绣球植物都表现出严重的叶子和花朵症状。在3种植物中检测到黄瓜花叶病毒,其特征是发育迟缓,叶片畸形的叶花叶和花色。在有叶状花叶症状的两种植物中检测到了榆树斑驳病毒。发现一种显示出生长减少,花绿化和叶状发育的植物被属于核糖体16SrXII-A亚组的植物原质感染。捕获并鉴定出了后一种被植物原虫感染的植物上的叶蝉。在纹状体乳杆菌中鉴定出16SrI-B植物质体,而Anaceratogallia sp。中存在16SrXII-A植物质体。



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