首页> 外文期刊>Acta Horticulturae >Exploration of the Era Features of Traditional Chinese Culture of the Layout of Water Bodies in City Waterscape Designs

Exploration of the Era Features of Traditional Chinese Culture of the Layout of Water Bodies in City Waterscape Designs


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Water culture is dependent on the landscape of water area space. The unification of cultural connotations and water area space - the former bringing out the great charm and individuality of the latter, makes water area space a major component of natural and human landscape and facilitates the development, inheritance and innovation of water culture. While following Chinese traditional thoughts on the layout of water bodies that "humans and nature should be integrated as a whole, and it is best to keep things as they were originally", this paper intends to unearth and draw on the strengths of traditional designs of the layout of waters through sustainable approach to development, explore the protection and renovation of natural, cultural and historical heritages in water area space in the context of cultural fusion and modern technology. Traditional Chinese culture of the layout of water bodies, which lays emphasis on integrity, is sought to elaborate the concept of era features in city waterscape designs so as to achieve the vision of "poetic habitation for human beings".



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