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Wild resource diversity and conservation strategies of orchidaceous plants in Fujian Province.


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In order to develop and utilize wild orchids, the situation of wild orchid resources in Fujian Province, one of the provenances of orchids, should be studied. By reviewing the related literature and analyzing the results from years of field surveys, 161 species or varieties in 71 genera of orchids (Orchidaceae) have been found in Fujian Province. They belong to three life forms, namely terrestrial type (40), epiphytic type (27), and saprophytic type (6). Besides, the vertical distribution of three life forms of wild orchids has also been studied, which shows that most of them are distributed from the altitude of 500 to 1000 m. The floristic elements of orchids studied can be divided into 10 types of geographical distribution, with the tropical type as the dominate type. Furthermore, 67 species of orchids, belonging to 33 genera, which are of high ornamental value, are divided into four types - flower type, foliage type, flower and foliage type, and view type. There are six genera and 12 species that are newly recorded in Fujian Province. Based on the research, targeted conservation and utilization strategies were given.
机译:为了开发和利用野生兰花,应当研究福建省作为兰花起源地之一的野生兰花资源的状况。通过回顾相关文献并分析多年的实地调查结果,在福建省发现了71属兰花(兰科)的161种或变种。它们属于三种生命形式,即陆生型(40),附生型(27)和腐生型(6)。此外,还研究了三种野生兰花的垂直分布,表明它们大多数分布在500至1000 m的高度上。研究兰花的植物区系元素可以分为10种地理分布类型,其中热带类型为主要类型。此外,具有33个属的具有观赏价值的67种兰花被分为花型,枝叶型,花枝型和景观型四种。福建省新记录的有6属12种。在此基础上,提出了有针对性的保护和利用策略。



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