首页> 外文期刊>Acta Horticulturae >Fire blight resistance from 'Evereste' and Malus sieversii used in breeding for new high quality apple cultivars: strategies and results.

Fire blight resistance from 'Evereste' and Malus sieversii used in breeding for new high quality apple cultivars: strategies and results.

机译:“ Evereste”和 Malus sieversii 的抗白叶枯病,用于新的优质苹果品种的育种:策略和结果。

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Apple breeders follow different strategies to bridge the gap of fire blight resistant cultivars with marketable fruit quality. At the research station Agroscope Changins-Wadenswil (ACW) in 2008, the advanced selection 'ACW 11303' was crossed with 'Evereste'. 'ACW 11303' carries resistance to scab (Rvi6, respectively Vf and Rvi4, respectively Vh4) and powdery mildew, and displays partial fire blight resistance and good fruit quality. 'Evereste' is an ornamental cultivar carrying an apple scab (Rvi6) resistance and a fire blight resistance QTL (Fb_E), but having small fruit size and poor fruit quality. Marker-assisted selection was used to screen the progeny for the combination of apple scab resistance genes as well as for Fb_E. Low input fast-track breeding was applied on selected genotypes in order to speed up the generation cycle. The plants were grown in a regular greenhouse establishing optimal growing conditions. Fourteen months after germination first flowers were formed by four plants out of 31. From flowering plants carrying the Fb_E QTL pollen was collected. Trees of the cultivar 'Topaz' were bagged and flowers manually pollinated with the above mentioned pollen at balloon stage and re-bagged until petal fall. Fruit was harvested in autumn, and subsequently seeds were extracted and stratified. The new generation will again be subjected to the low input fast-track breeding approach as soon as available. In order to find new sources of fire blight resistance to include in the Swiss breeding program, 12 Malus sieversii genotypes described as fire blight resistant and originating from Kazakhstan were inoculated with a Swiss strain of Erwina amylovora by injection. The results of the tested cultivars revealed large differences in susceptibility towards fire blight. The most resistant genotypes in the test were selected for crosses in 2010.
机译:苹果育种者采取不同的策略来弥合抗白叶枯病品种与适销对路的水果品质。在2008年的Agroscope Changins-Wadenswil(ACW)研究站,高级选择“ ACW 11303”与“ Evereste”交叉使用。 “ ACW 11303”具有抗sc病(分别为 Rvi6 , Vf 和 Rvi4 和 Vh4 )和白粉病的抗性,并显示出部分的抗白叶枯病性和良好的水果品质。 “珠穆朗玛峰”是一种观赏性品种,具有抗苹果赤霉病( Rvi6 )和抗火疫病QTL( Fb_E )的能力,但果实尺寸小且果实品质差。标记辅助选择用于筛选后代的抗苹果黑星病抗性基因以及 Fb_E 。将低输入快速跟踪育种应用于选定的基因型,以加快生成周期。植物在常规温室中生长,建立最佳生长条件。发芽后14个月,共有31株植物中的4株形成了第一朵花。从开花植物中采集了带有 Fb_E QTL花粉的植物。将'Topaz'品种的树装袋并在气球期用上述花粉手动授粉,然后重新装袋直至花瓣掉落。秋季收获果实,然后将种子提取并分层。新一代将尽快获得低投入的快速跟踪育种方法。为了找到新的抗白叶枯病来源,在瑞士的育种计划中,对来自哈萨克斯坦的被描述为抗白叶枯病的12个基因型(Malus sieversii)进行了接种通过注射。测试品种的结果表明,对火疫病的敏感性差异很大。测试中选择了抵抗力最强的基因型作为2010年的杂交品种。



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