首页> 外文期刊>Acta Horticulturae >Genetic diversity revealed by fluorescent-AFLP markers for apricot germplasms in Shandong, China.

Genetic diversity revealed by fluorescent-AFLP markers for apricot germplasms in Shandong, China.


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Apricot is originated in China. Shandong is a major province in apricot production in china and has abundant apricot genetic resources. During the long term of evolution and selection, a lot of local apricot cultivars such as Badanshuixing in Tai'an, Honghebao in Jinan, Guanyelian and Yangjiyuan in Qingdao were formed. The genetic diversity of 26 apricot cultivars in Shandong province was analyzed by the fluorescent-AFLP marker techniques. The results showed that the average number of polymorphic loci amplified by 8 pairs of fluorescent-AFLP primers was 103.25. The mean percentage of polymorphic loci (P) was 87.37%. All average Nei's gene diversity index (H) and average Shannon's information index (I) was 0.1935 and 0.3100 respectively, which indicated that genetic diversity of Shandong apricot was abundant. Apricot cultivars in Shandong were divided into 4 groups at 58.58% level of similarity coefficient. Shandong apricot local cultivars distributed in all four groups, in which 'Yubadan' and 'Yangjiyuan' cultivars were farther with other Shandong apricot local cultivars and American apricot in genetic distances. So 'Yubadan' and 'Yangjiyuan' were important for broadening genetic diversity of Shandong apricots, breeding new apricot cultivars and creating new germplasm.
机译:杏起源于中国。山东是中国杏子生产的重要省份,拥有丰富的杏子遗传资源。在长期的进化和选择过程中,形成了泰安八丹水行,济南红河堡,观叶莲,青岛杨积园等地方杏品种。利用荧光AFLP标记技术分析了山东省26个杏品种的遗传多样性。结果表明,通过8对荧光AFLP引物扩增得到的多态性位点平均数为103.25。多态性基因座( P )的平均百分比为87.37%。 Nei的平均基因多样性指数( H )和香农的平均信息指数( I )分别为0.1935和0.3100,表明山东杏的遗传多样性丰​​富。山东省杏品种按相似系数58.58%分为4组。山东杏本地品种分布在所有四个组中,其中“ Yubadan”和“ Yangjiyuan”品种在遗传距离上与其他山东杏本地品种和美国杏较远。因此,“豫单”和“杨集原”对于拓宽山东杏的遗传多样性,育种新的杏品种和创造新的种质具有重要意义。



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