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Cryopreservation of strawberry genetic resources in Germany.


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The National German Strawberry Genebank has 369 cultivars and 318 accessions of wild Fragaria species maintained in a field collection at Dresden-Pillnitz. Conservation of clonal crops requires safety duplication. A calculation of the efforts required to establish and maintain a safety backup of the whole collection with in vitro cold storage indicated that it is too labour intensive to maintain the collection in such form. The development of an effective method for cryopreservation is required for a cost effective long-term storage. Four distinct cryopreservation protocols were tested: two protocols using Plant Vitrification Solution 2 (PVS2), encapsulation dehydration and controlled rate cooling. All four methods were equally effective for the cultivars tested, however the Fragaria wild species had significantly better regrowth with the PVS2 vitrification protocol that included 14 d alternating-temperature cold acclimation (16 h at -1 degrees C and 8 h at 22 degrees C). The PVS2 vitrification protocol with cold acclimation will be applied as the standard method for cryopreservation of Fragaria cultivars and wild species. Currently, the Dresden-Pillnitz Institute has 23 different Fragaria accessions in cryopreservation.
机译:德国国家草莓种质库在德累斯顿-皮尔尼茨(Dresden-Pillnitz)的田间收藏中保存了369个品种和318种野生草莓属物种。保护无性系作物需要重复安全措施。对建立和维护整个体外冷藏库的安全备份所需的努力进行的计算表明,将这样的馆藏保持在这种状态下太费力了。需要开发一种有效的低温保存方法,以实现具有成本效益的长期保存。测试了四种不同的冷冻保存方案:使用植物玻璃化溶液2(PVS2)的两种方案,封装脱水和受控速率冷却。四种方法对测试的品种都同样有效,但是草莓科植物野生草莓的PVS2玻璃化方案具有更好的再生长性,其中包括14 d交替低温驯化(在-1摄氏度16 h和在22度8小时)。具有低温驯化作用的PVS2玻璃化协议将被用作冷冻保存草莓属和野生物种的标准方法。目前,德累斯顿-皮尔尼茨研究所(Dresden-Pillnitz Institute)有23种不同的冷冻保存品。



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