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Conserving wild plants for food and medicine - the work of botanic gardens.


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Botanic gardens play an important role in conserving plant diversity making a major contribution to the implementation of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC). This strategy, agreed under the auspices of the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) in 2002, has 16 ambitious targets to be met by 2010. The targets are currently being revised to reflect the reality of climate change and to make explicit their links to the Millennium Development Goals. An important component of the GSPC is the conservation of wild plants for food and medicine. This paper addresses both the overall achievements and challenges of the GSPC and the practical ways that botanic gardens are supporting the conservation of plants important for rural livelihoods. It emphasises the potential for stronger collaboration between botanic gardens and other agencies for the conservation and sustainable use of plant diversity.
机译:植物园在保护植物多样性方面发挥着重要作用,为全球植物保护战略的实施做出了重大贡献。该战略于2002年在《生物多样性公约》(CBD)的主持下商定,其中有16个雄心勃勃的目标,到2010年要实现。目前正在修订这些目标,以反映气候变化的现实,并明确表明它们与千年发展目标的联系。发展目标。 GSPC的重要组成部分是为食品和药品保护野生植物。本文论述了GSPC的总体成就和挑战,以及植物园支持保护对农村生计重要的植物的实用方法。它强调了植物园与其他机构之间在保护和可持续利用植物多样性方面加强合作的潜力。



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