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Unleashing the potential of sweet potato to combat poverty and malnutrition in Sub-Saharan Africa through a comprehensive initiative.


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Sweet potato, covering 3.4 million ha with an estimated production of 14.1 million tons in 2009, is one of three widely grown root and tuber crops in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Predominantly grown in small plots, it is known as a food for the poor, grown mainly by women. While the area planted to maize in SSA is 9 times greater than to sweet potato, the latter is expanding faster than any other major food crop in SSA. Its high energy output per unit land area, ability to produce relatively good yields under marginal conditions, flexible planting and harvesting times, and good yield response to better management are factors underlying its expansion in SSA, where decreasing land holding size, declining soil fertility, and changing climate patterns are driving change. Sweet potato is considered a staple food in some SSA countries, and a horticultural crop in others. However, investment in sweet potato relative to other food staples and horticultural crops has been low. In October 2010, the International Potato Center launched a ten-year Sweet potato for Profit and Health Initiative resulting from a seven months of stakeholder consultative process to identify the constraints blocking the full exploitation of sweet potato and develop interventions in breeding, propagation and dissemination of healthy planting material, crop management, human nutrition, and marketing. The Initiative's vision is to reposition sweet potatoes in African food economies, particularly in expanding urban markets, to reduce child malnutrition and improve smallholder incomes. It brings together over 30 partner organizations seeking to positively affect the lives of 10 million African families in 10 years and will establish support platforms in three sub-regions to enable the creation of a vibrant community of practice. The paper describes proposed strategies for addressing the major constraints and details on key components to be undertaken during the first five year phase.
机译:甘薯面积为340万公顷,2009年估计产量为1410万吨,是撒哈拉以南非洲(SSA)广泛种植的三种块根和块茎作物之一。它主要在小片土地上种植,被称为穷人的食物,主要由妇女种植。虽然撒哈拉以南非洲的玉米播种面积是甘薯的9倍,但后者的增长速度比撒哈拉以南非洲其他主要粮食作物快。它在单位土地面积上的能源产出高,在边际条件下能够产生相对较高的产量,灵活的播种和收获时间以及对更好的管理的良好产量反应是其撒哈拉以南非洲扩张的根本因素,在这些国家中,土地面积的减少,土壤肥力的下降,不断变化的气候模式正在推动变化。在一些SSA国家中,甘薯被视为主食,而在其他国家中,其被视为园艺作物。但是,相对于其他主食和园艺作物,对甘薯的投资很低。 2010年10月,国际马铃薯中心发起了一项为期十年的“红薯促进利润和健康计划”,这是由利益相关者七个月的协商程序确定的,以找出阻碍红薯充分开发的障碍并制定干预措施健康植物材料的繁殖,繁殖和传播,作物管理,人类营养和销售。该倡议的愿景是在非洲粮食经济中,特别是在扩大城市市场中,重新定位甘薯,以减少儿童营养不良和提高小农收入。它召集了30个伙伴组织,以期在10年内积极影响1000万非洲家庭的生活,并将在三个分区域建立支持平台,以建立一个充满活力的实践社区。本文描述了解决主要约束的拟议策略,以及在头五年阶段要进行的关键组成部分的详细信息。



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