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Biodiversity on kiwifruit orchards: the importance of shelterbelts.


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The Agricultural Research Group On Sustainability (ARGOS) conducted an ecological survey of 437 shelterbelts on 36 New Zealand kiwifruit orchards in 2004. Species composition and stature of shelter on three orchard types (Organic Hayward, KiwiGreen 'Hayward', and KiwiGreen 'Hort 16A') were compared. Shelterbelts protect fruit and vines from wind damage that would otherwise reduce yield and fruit quality. They also affect the microclimate in orchards and occupy space that could be used for fruit production. Shelterbelts around the perimeter of orchards are more substantive than internal shelterbelts. The predominant shelter species (Cryptomeria japonica, Causurina spp. and Salix spp.) are similar between orchards, but shelterbelts in 'Organic' orchards have a greater diversity of woody incidental species, less accumulation of dense litter beds and more rank grass. Shelterbelts harbour incipient weed threats, but also provide potentially important refuges for maintaining biodiversity on orchards. Some orchardists have removed shelterbelts or replaced them with wind-cloth screens, partly to increase fruit dry matter by reducing shade. There is no evidence that the stature and porosity of shelterbelts differs between Organic and KiwiGreen systems, so shelter is unlikely to be driving differences in mean fruit production, fruit quality and animal diversity and abundance between orchard systems. Observed differences in fruit production and increases in species richness and abundance of animals on Organic orchards therefore probably result from (a) differences in orchard inputs and management, (b) increased plant biodiversity and/or (c) the presence of different micro-habitats on Organic orchards.
机译:农业可持续发展研究小组(ARGOS)于2004年对新西兰36个奇异果园的437个防护林带进行了生态调查。三种果园类型(有机海沃德,奇异果“ Hayward”和奇异果“ Hort 16A”)的庇护物物种组成和高度。 )进行比较。防护林可以保护水果和葡萄藤免受风害,否则会降低产量和水果质量。它们还会影响果园的小气候,并占用可用于水果生产的空间。果园周边的防护林带比内部防护林带更具实质性。果园之间主要的庇护所物种(柳杉,Causurina属和柳属)相似,但是“有机”果园的庇护带具有更多的木本杂物物种,较少的密集凋落物床积累和更多的草丛。防护林不仅具有初期的杂草威胁,而且还为维护果园的生物多样性提供了潜在的重要避难所。一些果园园主已经拆除了防护林带或用防风网代替了防护林带,部分是通过减少阴影来增加水果干物质。没有证据表明有机系统和奇异果系统之间防护林带的身高和孔隙度不同,因此防护林不太可能导致平均水果产量,水果质量和动物多样性以及果园系统之间的丰度差异。在有机果园上观察到的水果产量差异以及动物物种丰富度和丰富度的增加可能是由于(a)果园投入和管理方面的差异,(b)植物生物多样性增加和/或(c)存在不同的微生境在有机果园上。



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