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The correlation among Y-index and other scientometric indicators


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Scientometric analysis of research outputs is important in universities for research evaluation as it provides necessary inputs for decision makers. Common scientometric indicators are the number of publications, average citation per document, h-index and the number of authors. Y-index is also an indicator considering both the quantity and quality of scientific products, based on first author and corresponding author publications. This study aims at determining these indicators in first-grade universities of medical sciences in Iran and investigating the correlation among Y-index and other mentioned indices, and comparison between Y-index and h-index. The population under study comprised of all scientific productions of fourteen top universities of medical sciences in Iran, indexed in Web of Science in 2012 (7435 documents). The Tehran University of Medical Sciences is ranked first considering five indicators under investigation. A significant positive relationship was obtained among Y-index with the number of publications, the number of authors, and h-index. This indicates that Y-index can be a potential proper index, for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of universities along with other scientific and research institutions.
机译:在大学中,对科研成果进行科学计量分析对于科研评估非常重要,因为它为决策者提供了必要的投入。常见的科学计量指标是出版物数量,每份文档的平均引用量,h指数和作者数量。根据第一作者和相应作者的出版物,Y指数也是考虑科学产品的数量和质量的指标。这项研究旨在确定伊朗一流医学大学中的这些指标,并调查Y指数与其他提到的指数之间的相关性,并比较Y指数和h指数。受研究的人群包括伊朗14所顶尖医学大学的所有科学成果,并于2012年在《 Web of Science》中被索引(7435个文件)。考虑到五个调查指标,德黑兰医科大学排名第一。 Y指数与出版物数,作者数和h指数之间存在显着正相关。这表明Y指数可能是潜在的适当指数,用于对大学以及其他科研机构进行定性和定量评估。



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