首页> 外文期刊>Current Science: A Fortnightly Journal of Research >Remote sensing and GIS-based suitability modeling of medicinal plant (Taxus baccata Linn.) in Tawang district, Arunachal Pradesh, India

Remote sensing and GIS-based suitability modeling of medicinal plant (Taxus baccata Linn.) in Tawang district, Arunachal Pradesh, India

机译:基于遥感和GIS的印度阿鲁纳恰尔邦塔旺地区药用植物(Taxus baccata Linn。)适宜性建模

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Taxus baccata is a valuable plant for taxol extraction used in preparation of anti-cancer drugs, Kaposi's sarcoma and over 20 such other indications. It is a slow-growing evergreen tree found in the altitudinal range 1500-3000 m. Around 2-3 million kg of biomass is harvested annually, whereas the sustainable rate of harvesting is estimated to be 0.6 million kg/year. Linear transect recorded 118 Taxus plants, out of which 99 were live and 19 were dead. The importance value index was calculated for Taxus baccata and five associated plants. Tsuga mertensiana recorded the highest with 78.32 and Taxus baccata lowest with 34.22 out of 300. The MaxEnt and SMCE models were used for suitability modeling of Taxus. The occurrence points and environmental layers - current global climate, altitude, slope and aspect were used for the MaxEnt. The results show 5.31% of the area under highly suitable and suitable and 80.14% not suitable. For SMCE, the digital elevation model from USGS website, LISS 3, IRS-P6 (Resourcesat), row/path 110/052 (25 November 2011), the annual average rainfall, temperature and humidity were used. The results show 61.66% of the area under highly suitable and suitable and only 2.8% under not suitable category. The MaxEnt results are specific and target-oriented, whereas the SMCE results appear more generalized. The region is potential area for occurrence of Taxus baccata in natural stand as well as suitable area for regeneration.
机译:红豆杉是紫杉醇提取的重要植物,可用于制备抗癌药,卡波济肉瘤和20多种其他适应症。这是一棵生长缓慢的常绿树,海拔在1500-3000 m之间。每年收获约2-3百万公斤生物质,而可持续的收获速度估计为60万公斤/年。线性样条记录了118种红豆杉植物,其中99株活着,19株死亡。计算了红豆杉和五种相关植物的重要性指数。在300个满分中,Tsuga mertensiana的最高记录为78.32,而bacus baccata的最低,为34.22。Maxtax和SMCE模型用于对Taxus进行适合性建模。 MaxEnt使用了发生点和环境层-当前的全球气候,海拔,坡度和坡向。结果表明,高度适合和适合的面积为5.31%,不适合的面积为80.14%。对于SMCE,使用了USGS网站上的数字高程模型LISS 3,IRS-P6(Resourcesat),行/路径110/052(2011年11月25日),年平均降雨量,温度和湿度。结果表明,在高度适合和适合的类别下占61.66%的面积,在不适合的类别下仅占2.8%的面积。 MaxEnt结果是特定的且面向目标的,而SMCE结果似乎更为笼统。该区域是天然林中发生红豆杉的潜在区域,也是适宜的更新区域。



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