首页> 外文期刊>Current Biology: CB >Dual Effect of Wasp Queen Pheromone in Regulating Insect Sociality

Dual Effect of Wasp Queen Pheromone in Regulating Insect Sociality


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Eusocial insects exhibit a remarkable reproductive division of labor between queens and largely sterile workers [1, 2]. Recently, it was shown that queens of diverse groups of social insects employ specific, evolutionarily conserved cuticular hydrocarbons to signal their presence and inhibit worker reproduction [3]. Workers also recognize and discriminate between eggs laid by the queen and those laid by workers, with the latter being destroyed by workers in a process known as "policing" [4, 5]. Worker policing represents a classic example of a conflict-reducing mechanism, in which the reproductive monopoly of the queen is maintained through the selective destruction of worker-laid eggs [5, 6]. However, the exact signals used in worker policing have thus far remained elusive [5, 7]. Here, we show that in the common wasp, Vespula vulgaris, the pheromone that signals egg maternity and enables the workers to selectively destroy worker-laid eggs is in fact the same as one of the sterility-inducing queen signals that we identified earlier [3]. These results imply that queen pheromones regulate insect sociality in two distinct and complementary ways, i.e., by signaling the queen's presence and inhibiting worker reproduction, and by facilitating the recognition and policing of worker-laid eggs.
机译:正常昆虫在女王和大部分为不育的工人之间表现出显着的生殖分工[1、2]。最近,有研究表明,各种社会昆虫的女王使用特定的,进化上保守的表皮碳氢化合物来表示它们的存在并抑制工人的繁殖[3]。工人们还认识到并区分了女王产下的卵和工人们产的卵,后者在称为“警务”的过程中被工人们销毁了[4,5]。工人警务代表了减少冲突机制的经典例子,其中女王的生殖垄断通过选择性地破坏工人产下的卵来维持[5,6]。然而,到目前为止,用于工人警务的确切信号仍然难以捉摸[5,7]。在这里,我们表明,在常见的黄蜂中,寻常的黄蜂(Vespula vulgaris),这种发出卵子产妇信号并使工人能够选择性地破坏工人产下的卵的信息素实际上与我们早先发现的引起不育的女王信号之一相同[3。 ]。这些结果表明,皇后信息素以两种截然不同的互补方式调节昆虫的社会性,即通过发信号通知皇后的到来并抑制工人的繁殖,并促进对产卵卵的识别和监管。



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