首页> 外文期刊>Corrosion Science and Technology >The Protection Potential Decision by Electrochemical Experiment of Al-Mg-Si Alloy for Ship in Seawater

The Protection Potential Decision by Electrochemical Experiment of Al-Mg-Si Alloy for Ship in Seawater


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The many vessels are built with FRP(Fiber-Reinforced Plastic) material for small boats and medium vessels. However, FRP is impossible to be used for recyclable material owing to environmental problems and causes large proportion of collision accidents because radar reflection wave is so weak that large vessels could not detect FRP ships during the sailing. Hence, Al alloy comes into the spotlight to solve these kinds of problems as a new-material for next generation instead of FRP. Al alloy ships are getting widely introduced for fish and leisure boats to save fuel consumption due to lightweight. In this study, it was selected 6061-T6 Al alloy which are mainly used for Al-ships and carried out various electrochemical experiment such as potential, anodic/cathodic polarization, Tafel analysis, potentiostatic experiment and surface morphologies observation after potentiostatic experiment for 1200 sec by using the SEM equipment to evaluate optimum corrosion protection potential in sea water. It is concluded that the optimum corrosion protection potential range is -1.4 V ~ -0.7 V(Ag/AgCl) for 6061-T6 Al alloy, in the case of application of ICCP(impressed current cathodic protection), which was shown the lowest current density at the electrochemical experiment and good specimen surface morphologies after potentiostatic experiment for Al-Mg-Si(6061-T6) Al alloy in seawater environment.
机译:许多船只是用FRP(纤维增强塑料)材料建造的,用于小船和中型船只。然而,由于环境问题,玻璃钢不可能用于可回收材料,并且由于雷达反射波太弱以至于大型船舶在航行中无法检测到玻璃钢船,因此玻璃钢无法用于可回收材料,并且会引起很大的碰撞事故。因此,铝合金作为代替FRP的下一代新材料而受到关注,以解决这些问题。铝合金船已被广泛用于鱼和休闲船,以减轻由于轻质而引起的燃料消耗。在这项研究中,选择了主要用于铝船的6061-T6铝合金,并进行了1200秒的电位,阳极/阴极极化,Tafel分析,恒电位实验和恒电位实验后的表面形态观察等各种电化学实验通过使用SEM设备评估最佳的海水腐蚀防护潜力。结论:对于6061-T6铝合金,最佳腐蚀防护电位范围为-1.4 V〜-0.7 V(Ag / AgCl),在应用ICCP(强电流阴极保护)的情况下,电流最低。海水环境下Al-Mg-Si(6061-T6)铝合金的电化学实验密度和恒电位试验后的良好试样表面形态



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