首页> 外文期刊>Continental Shelf Research: A Companion Journal to Deep-Sea Research and Progress in Oceanography >Archaeal community structure and response to ark shell bioturbation in typical intertidal mudflats, Southeast coast of China

Archaeal community structure and response to ark shell bioturbation in typical intertidal mudflats, Southeast coast of China


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Although many studies have investigated archaeal distribution in various environments, studies regarding the archaeal community structure in intertidal mudflat sediments in coastal areas are not enough. In addition, the response of archaea to bivalves bioturbation has not been reported before, nevertheless, bioturbation effects on microbes are key to many aspects of ecosystem function. In this paper, clone library construction, Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) and Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis DGGE (DGGE) were used to study the archaeal community structure in two typical intertidal mudflats in Southeast coast of China: the one mainly used for aquaculture in a semi-enclosed Bay (Sansha Bay), and the other one mainly used for recreation in a developed city (Xiamen). In addition, the potential influence of sampling time and the in situ bioremediation by artificially introducing bivalve ark shell (Tegillarca granosa) to mudflat sediments on archaeal communities were also investigated. A total of 283 clones were randomly selected from four clone libraries and were divided into 42 RFLP patterns. All the cloned sequences fell into three phyla: the Thaumarchaeota (group MGI), Crenarchaeota (group MCG) and Euryarchaeota (groups MBG-D, MBG-E, VAL III and DHVE 6), in which Thaumarchaeota MGI was dominant occupying 75.6% of total clones. Crenarchaeota MCG and Euryarchaeota accounted for 15.2% and 9.2% respectively. The archaeal diversity in Xiamen intertidal sediment was lower than that of Sansha Bay. Introducing ark shell seemed to increase archaeal diversity and the proportion of MCG and decrease the proportion of MGI in the clone library. DGGE profiles showed that most of the archaea populations were metabolically active, and the fingerprint clustering results were basically consistent with the results from clone libraries. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:尽管许多研究已经研究了古细菌在各种环境中的分布,但是对于沿海地区潮间带滩涂沉积物中古细菌群落结构的研究还不够。此外,古细菌对双壳类生物扰动的反应以前尚未见报道,但是,微生物对生物扰动的影响是生态系统功能许多方面的关键。本文利用克隆文库构建,限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)和变性梯度凝胶电泳DGGE(DGGE)来研究中国东南沿海两种典型潮间带滩涂中古细菌的群落结构:一种主要用于水产养殖。一个半封闭的海湾(三沙湾),另一个主要用于发达城市的休闲娱乐(厦门)。此外,还研究了采样时间和通过人工将双壳类方舟壳(Tegillarca granosa)引入古细菌群落的滩涂沉积物的原位生物修复的潜在影响。从四个克隆文库中随机选择了283个克隆,并将其分为42个RFLP模式。所有克隆的序列都分为三个门:Thaumarchaeota(MGI组),Crenarchaeota(MCG组)和Euryarchaeota(MBG-D,MBG-E,VAL III和DHVE 6组),其中Thaumarchaeota MGI占主导地位,占75.6%。克隆总数。 Crenarchaeota MCG和Euryarchaeota分别占15.2%和9.2%。厦门潮间带沉积物的古生物多样性低于三沙湾。引入方舟壳似乎增加了克隆文库中古细菌的多样性和MCG的比例,并降低了MGI的比例。 DGGE谱显示大多数古细菌群体具有代谢活性,指纹聚类结果与克隆文库的结果基本一致。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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