首页> 外文期刊>Continental Shelf Research: A Companion Journal to Deep-Sea Research and Progress in Oceanography >The shoreface-connected ridges along the central Dutch coast - part 2: morphological modelling

The shoreface-connected ridges along the central Dutch coast - part 2: morphological modelling


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The long-term (decades, centuries) morphological behaviour of the shoreface-connected ridges along the central Dutch coast was studied with a simplified modelling approach, consisting of a 1D current model (Trenchflow), combined with a 2DV morphodynamic model (Sutrench). The analysis focused on a cross-section of a single sand bank, assuming that the interaction of the water motion and morphology could be considered a local phenomenon. The modelling was used for a sensitivity analysis of the relevant processes. The present model reveals a positive feedback: the schematized sand bank is predicted to grow, while there is no damping, even not during high waves. However, using the observed flow response, which differs from the theoretical flow response as described in Part 1 of this paper, actual growth rates are close to zero. The modelling shows that the ridges are stable on a time scale of years to decades, while they may be considered active on the time scale of thousands of years. Calculated migration rates of the ridges are in the order of 1m/yr. Morphological time scale and migration rate correspond to the results from a geological reconstruction. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. [References: 19]
机译:使用简化的建模方法研究了荷兰中部海岸沿岸连接的山脊的长期(数十年,几个世纪)形态学行为,该方法包括一维电流模型(Trenchflow)和2DV形态动力学模型(Sutrench)。假设水运动和形态的相互作用可以被认为是局部现象,则分析着重于单个砂堤的横截面。该模型用于相关过程的敏感性分析。本模型揭示了一个积极的反馈信息:预计在没有阻尼的情况下,即使在高潮期间,带图案的沙洲也会增长,而没有阻尼。但是,使用观察到的流量响应不同于本文第1部分中所述的理论流量响应,实际增长率接近于零。建模表明,这些脊在数年至数十年的时间范围内都是稳定的,而在数千年的时间尺度上它们可能被认为是活跃的。计算出的山脊迁移速度约为1m / yr。形态学时标和迁移率与地质重建的结果相对应。 (C)2000 Elsevier ScienceLtd。保留所有权利。 [参考:19]



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