首页> 外文期刊>Conservation genetics >Limited genetic structure in a wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) population in an urban landscape inhabiting natural and constructed wetlands

Limited genetic structure in a wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) population in an urban landscape inhabiting natural and constructed wetlands

机译:在居住于自然和人工湿地的城市景观中,木蛙(Lithobates sylvaticus)种群的遗传结构有限

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Urbanization has been linked to amphibian population declines globally. Habitat fragmentation can negatively impact gene flow among populations but what role artificially constructed wetlands have in maintaining gene flow in urban amphibian populations remains uncertain. We assessed gene flow in a population of wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) inhabiting both constructed and natural wetlands located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. We genotyped 10 microsatellite loci in 182 frogs from eight wetlands and tested for genetic differentiation between wetlands. We tested if bottlenecks had occurred at constructed wetlands and if there were differences in allelic richness between natural wetlands and constructed wetlands. We found no evidence of bottlenecks, no differences in allelic richness among subpopulations, and no genetic structure within the population. Although significant differences in pair-wise comparisons of allele frequency distributions between wetlands were detected, all F-ST values were low (0.003-0.053) and Bayesian clustering indicated the presence of a single genetic cluster. Despite extensive urbanization within our study area, genetic homogeneity has been preserved indicating that it may be possible to use constructed wetlands to maintain amphibian populations and preserve gene flow among subpopulations living within urbanized landscapes.
机译:城市化与全球两栖动物数量减少有关。栖息地的碎片化会对人口之间的基因流动产生负面影响,但是人工建造的湿地在维持城市两栖动物种群的基因流动中所起的作用仍不确定。我们评估了居住在加拿大艾伯塔省埃德蒙顿的人工和天然湿地的木蛙(Lithobates sylvaticus)种群中的基因流。我们对来自八个湿地的182只青蛙的10个微卫星基因座进行了基因分型,并测试了湿地之间的遗传分化。我们测试了人工湿地是否出现瓶颈,以及自然湿地和人工湿地之间的等位基因丰富度是否存在差异。我们没有发现瓶颈的证据,在亚群之间没有等位基因丰富度的差异,也没有发现种群内的遗传结构。尽管在湿地之间等位基因频率分布的成对比较中检测到显着差异,但所有F-ST值均较低(0.003-0.053),并且贝叶斯聚类表明存在单个遗传簇。尽管我们研究区内的城市化程度很高,但遗传同质性得以保留,这表明可以利用人工湿地来维持两栖动物种群并保护生活在城市化景观中的亚种群之间的基因流。



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