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Reliance's KG-D6 output drops to below 15-rnmscmd


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Reliance Industries Ltd. (RIL) has reported that natural gas production at its eastern offshore K.G-D6 fields dropped to less than 15 million standard cubic metres per day (mmscmd), the lowest level since starting output in April 2009. RIL produced a total of 14.83-mmscmd from Dhirubhai-1 and 3 (D1&D3) gas fields and MA oil and gas field in the KG-DWN-98/3 or KG-D6 block in Bay of Bengal in the week ended May 26, according to a status report of the Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH). RIL has shut half of the 18 wells on Dl & D3 field due to high water and sand ingress and a third of 6 wells on MA field due to the same reason. The report said Dl & D3 fields produced 11.05-mmscmd of gas while the rest came from MA field. Output at Dl & D3 field has dropped from 12.35-mmscmd in March and 11.85-mmscmd in April. MA field produced an average of 5,709 barrels of oil in the week ending May 26. RIL has so far drilled 22 wells on Dl & D3 fields but has put only 18 on production so far. Half of these wells are now shut.
机译:Reliance Industries Ltd.(RIL)报告称,东部近海KG-D6气田的天然气产量降至每天1500万标准立方米(mmscmd)以下,这是自2009年4月开始产出以来的最低水平。截至5月26日当周,来自孟加拉湾KG-DWN-98 / 3或KG-D6区块的Dhirubhai-1和3(D1&D3)气田和MA油气田的14.83-mmscmd碳氢化合物总局(DGH)的报告。由于相同的原因,RIL关闭了D1和D3油田的18口井中的一半,原因是水和沙的进入量很高,而MA油田的6口井中的三分之一已关闭。该报告说,D1和D3气田生产了11.05mmscmd的天然气,其余的来自MA气田。 D1和D3场的产量已从3月的12.35-mmscmd和4月的11.85-mmscmd下降。截至5月26日当周,MA油田平均生产了5709桶石油。RIL迄今为止在Dl和D3油田钻了22口井,但到目前为止仅生产了18口。这些井中有一半现已关闭。



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