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The problem behavior model: The development of a stalkers clinic and a threateners clinic


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Traditionally, forensic mental health services have focused on the assessment and treatment of offenders with serious mental disorders. In recent years, there has been growing recognition that forensic clinicians have an important role to play for those offenders who engage in criminal acts driven by psychological and/or social problems, which may, or may not, occur in conjunction with a major mental disorder. This is especially true for specific offenses such as stalking and threatening. This article describes the innovation of the problem behavior model. This model uses a reductionist approach and the nexus between psychiatry and psychology to address the complex phenomena associated with specific problem behaviors that often culminate in offenses. The model is illustrated by describing the development of specialist clinics for the problem behaviors of stalking and threatening. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:传统上,法医精神卫生服务的重点是对患有严重精神障碍的罪犯进行评估和治疗。近年来,人们越来越认识到,法医临床医生对于那些犯有由心理和/或社会问题驱动的犯罪行为的犯罪者起着重要的作用,这些犯罪行为可能会或可能不会与重大精神障碍同时发生。对于诸如跟踪和威胁之类的特定犯罪尤其如此。本文介绍了问题行为模型的创新。该模型使用还原论方法和精神病学与心理学之间的联系来解决与特定问题行为相关的复杂现象,这些行为通常以犯罪为高潮。该模型通过描述跟踪和威胁问题行为的专科诊所的发展来说明。版权所有(c)2005 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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