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Genetic diversity over multiple generations of supplementation: an example from Chinook salmon using microsatellite and demographic data


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We examined demographic data and microsatellite loci in a supplemented population of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) seeking evidence of changes in genetic diversity or for reduction of the effective size (N-e ) arising from supplementation (i.e., the Ryman-Laikre effect). A supplementation program in the North Fork Stillaguamish River (Washington State, USA) was intended to increase abundance (N) and maintain genetic diversity in the depressed population. Since supplementation expanded in 1986, about 9% of the population has been randomly collected for broodstock. The resulting progeny are released into the wild and comprised 10-60% of all returning adults. Genotypic data were obtained at 14 microsatellite loci from adult samples collected in four years between 1985 and 2001; these data indicated that the allelic richness and expected heterozygosity did not significantly change during this period and that genetic diversity in the captive and wild progeny was similar. The inbreeding and variance N-e estimated from adult escapement between 1974 and 2004 were different for the same generation, but the ratios of effective size to census size were very similar and decreased following supplementation. The variance N-e by the temporal method increased over time, but it is difficult to draw conclusions because of necessary assumptions made during the calculations. Based on these results we conclude that: (1) genetic diversity has been maintained over multiple generations of supplementation; (2) supplementation has not contributed to a loss of genetic diversity; and (3) monitoring genetic effects of supplementation is not straightforward, but it can be useful to look at both demographic and genetic data simultaneously.
机译:我们检查了奇努克鲑(Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)的补充种群中的人口统计数据和微卫星基因座,以寻找遗传多样性变化的证据或补充引起的有效大小(N-e)减小(即Ryman-Laikre效应)。在北叉斯蒂拉瓜米什河(美国华盛顿州)的一项补充计划旨在增加贫困人口的丰度(N)并维持遗传多样性。自从1986年扩大补充范围以来,大约有9%的人口被随机收集用于亲鱼。产生的后代被释放到野外,占所有返回成年人的10-60%。基因型数据是从1985年至2001年的4年中收集的成年样本中的14个微卫星基因座获得的。这些数据表明,在此期间,等位基因丰富度和预期的杂合度没有显着变化,并且圈养和野生后代的遗传多样性相似。 1974年至2004年之间,成年逃逸的近亲繁殖和方差N-e有所不同,但是有效大小与普查大小的比率非常相似,并且在补充后有所减少。时间方法的方差N-e随时间增加,但是由于在计算过程中做出了必要的假设,因此很难下结论。根据这些结果,我们得出以下结论:(1)遗传多样性在多代补充中得以维持; (2)补充并没有造成遗传多样性的丧失; (3)监测补充剂的遗传效应并非易事,但同时查看人口统计数据和遗传数据可能很有用。



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