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Psychosis and Substance Use: Implications for Conditional Release Readiness Evaluations


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In Foucha v. Louisiana (1992), the United States Supreme Court ruled that individuals adjudicated not guilty by reason of insanity (NGRI) could not remain in a forensic hospital if they were no longer mentally ill and dangerous. Since this decision, a variety of important questions have arisen related to the insanity defense and what should happen to insanity acquittees post-adjudication. This article provides an analysis of clinical issues confronting forensic examiners when psychosis as a result of substance abuse is the underlying condition supporting an insanity defense. To accomplish this analysis, this article provides the reader with a review of literature showing the complex relationship between psychosis and substance abuse. Second, this article investigates how substance-induced psychosis may impact both insanity opinions and subsequent conditional release decisions. Third, the article aims to provide research-driven information to assist clinicians in conducting conditional release evaluations. Finally, this paper provides a model for evaluating dangerousness in the context of conditional release evaluations. Given the substantial comorbidity between substance abuse and psychosis, it is critical for researchers and clinicians to consider potential effects of substance abuse when evaluating insanity acquittees for conditional release, especially as substance use relates to future dangerousness. Copyright (c) 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:在Foucha诉路易斯安那州(1992)一案中,美国最高法院裁定,因精神错乱而被判无罪的人(NGRI)如果不再精神病和危险,就不能留在法医医院。自作出这一决定以来,出现了与精神错乱的防御有关的各种重要问题,以及在裁决后对精神错乱的被告应如何处理。本文对当滥用药物导致的精神病是支持精神错乱防御的基本条件时,法医检查人员面临的临床问题进行了分析。为了完成这一分析,本文为读者提供了文献综述,这些文献显示了精神病和药物滥用之间的复杂关系。其次,本文研究了物质诱发的精神病如何影响精神错乱观点和随后的有条件释放决定。第三,本文旨在提供研究驱动的信息,以协助临床医生进行条件释放评估。最后,本文提供了在条件释放评估中评估危险性的模型。鉴于药物滥用和精神病之间存在大量合并症,对于研究人员和临床医生在评估有条件释放的精神错乱的无辜者时考虑药物滥用的潜在影响至关重要,尤其是因为物质使用与未来的危险性有关。版权所有(c)2016 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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