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Adolescent social defeat alters neural, endocrine and behavioral responses to amphetamine in adult male rats.


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The mesocorticolimbic dopamine system, which governs components of reward and goal-directed behaviors, undergoes final maturation during adolescence. Adolescent social stress contributes to adult behavioral dysfunction and is linked to adult psychiatric and addiction disorders. Here, behavioral, corticosterone and limbic dopamine responses to amphetamine were examined in adult male rats previously exposed to repeated social defeat stress during mid-adolescence. Amphetamine (2.5mg/kg, ip) was administered after a novel environment test, with behavior observed in the same context for 90min thereafter. Adult rats that had been defeated in adolescence showed increased locomotion in the novel environment but reduced amphetamine-induced locomotion relative to non-defeated age matched controls. Monoamine and corticosterone responses to amphetamine were examined following a second amphetamine injection 3 days later. In previously defeated rats, corticosterone and medial prefrontal cortex dopamine responses to amphetamine were blunted while dopamine responses in the nucleus accumbens core were elevated. Our results suggest that experience of social defeat stress during adolescent development can contribute to altered behavioral and endocrine responses to amphetamine in adulthood. Furthermore, these effects are paralleled by changes in amphetamine-induced dopamine responses in corticolimbic systems implicated in addiction disorders.
机译:中枢皮质多巴胺系统控制着奖赏和目标行为的组成部分,在青春期经历了最后的成熟。青少年的社会压力会导致成人的行为障碍,并与成人的精神病和成瘾症有关。在这里,在成年雄性大鼠中检查了行为,皮质酮和边缘多巴胺对苯丙胺的反应,这些成年雄性大鼠先前在青春期中期遭受了反复的社交挫败压力。在新的环境测试后给予安非他明(2.5mg / kg,ip),此后在相同环境下观察行为90分钟。青春期被击败的成年大鼠在新环境中显示出增加的运动能力,但相对于不败年龄匹配的对照组,苯丙胺诱导的运动减少。 3天后再次注射安非他明后,检查单胺和皮质酮对安非他命的反应。在先前被打败的大鼠中,皮质激素和内侧前额叶皮层对安非他命的多巴胺反应减弱,而伏隔核核心中的多巴胺反应升高。我们的结果表明,青春期发展过程中社交失败压力的经历可能有助于改变成年后对苯丙胺的行为和内分泌反应。此外,与成瘾症有关的皮质寡糖系统中苯丙胺诱导的多巴胺反应的变化与这些作用平行。



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