首页> 外文期刊>Brain research >Modulation of solitary taste neurons by electrical stimulation of the ventroposteromedial nucleus of the thalamus in the hamster.

Modulation of solitary taste neurons by electrical stimulation of the ventroposteromedial nucleus of the thalamus in the hamster.


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Taste neurons in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST) not only send axons to the parabrachial nuclei (PbN), but also receive descending projections from gustatory nuclei in the forebrain in rodents. The parvicellular portion of the ventroposteromedial nucleus of the thalamus (VPMpc) receives projections from the bilateral PbN and transmits taste information to the gustatory cortex. Here, we examined the influence of bilateral stimulation of the VPMpc on taste-responsive neurons in the NST. Extracellular single unit activity was recorded from the urethane-anesthetized hamster. Taste responses were confirmed by delivery of four basic tastants to the anterior tongue. After identifying a taste neuron in the NST, the VPMpc was stimulated bilaterally. Thirty seven out of 83 neurons were orthodromically activated following VPMpc stimulation: 30 were excited and seven were inhibited. Among these cells, seven were excited and one was inhibited bilaterally. In addition, four NST neurons were antidromically invaded from the ipsilateral VPMpc. The effect of VPMpc activation on taste-driven responses was tested on 8 of 30 cells that were excited, and all seven cells that were inhibited by the VPMpc stimulation. The VPMpc stimulation enhanced responses to the effective taste stimuli or suppressed the taste-evoked activities in all eight and seven cells tested, respectively, parallel to the type of the inputs which they received from the VPMpc. These results suggest that a subset of taste neurons in the NST is under the influence from the bilateral VPMpc and that the VPMpc activation modulates taste responses of these cells.
机译:孤独道(NST)核中的味觉神经元不仅将轴突发送至臂旁核(PbN),而且还从啮齿类动物的前脑味觉核中接收到递减的投射。丘脑腹膜前庭核的小细胞部分(VPMpc)从双侧PbN接受投射并将味觉信息传递到味觉皮层。在这里,我们检查了NST中VPMpc的双边刺激对味觉响应神经元的影响。从氨基甲酸乙酯麻醉的仓鼠记录细胞外单个单元的活性。通过向前舌传递四种基本口味来确认味觉反应。在NST中识别出味觉神经元后,双向刺激VPMpc。 VPMpc刺激后,正畸激活了83个神经元中的37个:兴奋了30个,抑制了7个。在这些细胞中,有七个被激发,一个被双向抑制。另外,从同侧VPMpc侵袭了四个NST神经元。在30个兴奋的细胞中,有8个测试了VPMpc激活对味觉驱动反应的影响,并通过VPMpc刺激抑制了所有7个细胞。 VPMpc刺激增强了对有效味觉刺激的反应或抑制了所测试的所有八个和七个细胞中的味觉活动,这与它们从VPMpc接受的输入的类型平行。这些结果表明,NST中的味觉神经元子集受到双侧VPMpc的影响,并且VPMpc激活调节了这些细胞的味觉反应。



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