首页> 外文期刊>Congenital anomalies >PSK, a biological response modifier, modifies p53 expression, mitosis and apoptosis in X-ray irradiated mouse embryos: possible cellular mechanism of the anti-teratogenic effect.

PSK, a biological response modifier, modifies p53 expression, mitosis and apoptosis in X-ray irradiated mouse embryos: possible cellular mechanism of the anti-teratogenic effect.


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We previously showed that PSK, a biological response modifier, suppressed X-ray irradiation induced ocular anomalies in mouse embryos. In the present study, in mouse embryos irradiated at E7.5, PSK, when administered immediately after irradiation, suppressed mitosis and increased apoptosis as compared with embryos not treated with PSK at 12 hrs after irradiation. In the irradiated embryos, p53, which is normally expressed at a high level in early embryos, increased at 6 hrs and decreased at 12 hrs after irradiation. In the irradiated and PSK-treated embryos, the p53 level did not change at 6 hrs, increased at 12 hrs and decreased at 24 hrs after irradiation. This timing of PSK-induced delayed increase of p53 coincided with that of the PSK-induced decrease in mitosis and increase in apoptosis. These results suggested that PSK modified the p53 level and affected cell proliferation and apoptosis, which might contribute to the suppression of teratogenesis.
机译:我们以前表明,PSK是一种生物反应调节剂,可抑制X射线辐射诱发的小鼠胚胎眼部异常。在本研究中,在E7.5照射下的小鼠胚胎中,在照射后立即给予PSK,与在照射后12小时未用PSK处理的胚胎相比,抑制了有丝分裂并增加了细胞凋亡。在受辐照的胚胎中,通常在早期胚胎中以高水平表达的p53,在辐照后6小时增加,而在12小时后降低。在经辐照和经PSK处理的胚胎中,p53水平在辐照后6小时不变,在12时升高,在24时降低。 PSK诱导的p53延迟增加的时机与PSK诱导的有丝分裂减少和凋亡增加的时机相吻合。这些结果表明,PSK改变了p53的水平,影响了细胞的增殖和凋亡,可能有助于抑制致畸作用。



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